四月热词(二) 1.减少碳排放 reduce carbon emissions 2.绿色低碳发展 green and low-carbon development 3.光伏发电 photovoltaic power 4.风力发电 wind power 5.油价上涨rising gasoline prices 6.加油站 gaso...
四月热词(二) 1.减少碳排放 reduce carbon emissions 2.绿色低碳发展 green and low-carbon development 3.光伏发电 photovoltaic power 4.风力发电 wind power 5.油价上涨rising gasoline prices 6.加油站 gaso...
四月热词(一) 1.国内游 domestic trips 2.疫情反弹 resurgence of the epidemic 3.线上发布会 online press conference 4.全球变暖 global warming 5.气候变化 climate change 6.海洋学家 oceanographer 7.海平面上...
三月热词(一) 1. 被拐儿童 abducted children 2. 积案 long-pending cases 3. 公安部 the Ministry of Public Security 4. 中欧班列 China-Europe Railway Express 5. 国际产业链供应链 international industrial...
三月热词(二) 1. 儿童优惠政策 discount policy for children 2. 列车时刻表 train schedules 3. 实名购票 real-name ticket purchasing 4. 城市公共交通 urban public transportation 5. 服务领域 the service se...
北京冬奥术语汉英对照汇编(下) 1. 男子U型场地技巧 Men’s Halfpipe 2. 男子障碍追逐 Men’s Snowboard Cross 3. 男子坡面障碍技巧 Men’s Slopestyle 4. 男子大跳台 Men’s Big Air 5. 女子平行大回转 Women’s P...
北京冬奥术语汉英对照汇编(上) 1.北京冬奥会愿景 Vision and Mission 2.迎接冰雪之约、奔向美好未来 Embracing the Winter Olympics, Embracing a Brighter Future 3.带动三亿人参与冰雪运动 to encourage 300 mi...
还执迷于居高临下对他国事务指手画脚的恶习当中。He is obsessed with condescendingly criticizing other countries. 仍然不思悔改,继续信口雌黄。He keeps lying without remorse. 英方动不动就以“守护者”自居,...
个人信息保护法Law on Personal Information Protection 大数据杀熟 differentiate prices through user profiling 图像获取设备image acquisition equipment 数据搜集处理data collection and processing 现代化经济...
1.中国共产党第十九届中央委员会第六次全体会议The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 2.毛泽东思想Mao Zedong Thought 3.邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory 4.“...
1.中国共产党第二十届全国代表大会the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 2.同等待遇 equal treatment 3.学科类培训curriculum-based training 4.非学科类培训 non-academic tutoring...