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发布日期 :2022-04-30 点击数:


1.国内游 domestic trips

2.疫情反弹 resurgence of the epidemic

3.线上发布会 online press conference

4.全球变暖 global warming

5.气候变化 climate change

6.海洋学家 oceanographer

7.海平面上升 sea level rise

8.洋流 ocean current

9.市场预期 market expectation

10.供暖季 heating period

11.发电装机容量installed power generation capacity

12.应急储备emergency reserves

13.出舱活动 extravehicular activities (EVAs)

14.载人飞船 manned spacecraft

15.货运飞船 cargo spacecraft

16.舱外航天服 extravehicular spacesuits

17.“太空授课” space-based lecture

18.杭州亚运会Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games

19.亚运会 Asian Games

20.亚残运会 Asian Para Games

21.体育交流与合作 sports exchanges and cooperation

22.个税专项附加扣除special additional deductions for individual income tax

23.税收减免政策 tax-relief policy

24.个人应税收入individual taxable income

25.商业地产commercial real estate

26.结构性去杠杆 structural deleveraging

27.房地产行业 property market

28.基建项目 infrastructure projects

29.跨境投资目的地 cross-border investment destinations

30.大型真菌新物种new macrofungi species

31.生物分类学 biological taxonomy

32.热带雨林 tropical rainforest

33.大宗商品 bulk commodities

34.货币政策 monetary policies

35.增值税留抵退税value-added tax credit refunds

36.提振需求和预期 boost demand and expectations

37.扩大就业 expand employment

38.大宗商品价格上涨 rising commodities prices

39.降低消费税 reduce consumption taxes

40.实施大规模增值税留抵退税 implement VAT credit refunds on a large scale

41.搜救工作search and rescue work

42.飞行数据记录仪 flight data recorder

43.驾驶舱话音记录器 cockpit voice recorder

44.数据下载和分析 data downloading and analysis

45.检查维修 checks and maintenance

46.农业转移人口市民化migrant workers integrate into cities

47.城乡融合发展 integrated urban-rural development

48.户籍制度改革reform of the household registration system

49.农民工 migrant workers

50.氢能hydrogen energy

