第七届北京语言大学国际口笔译大赛 一般性英译汉组三等奖译文
Richard Plantagenet 理查•金雀花 陈思颖 译 It was in this year 1411, that Richard Plantagenet was born to Richard, fifth Earl of Cambridge and Anne Mortimer. His father was the son of Edmund, the fir...
Richard Plantagenet 理查•金雀花 陈思颖 译 It was in this year 1411, that Richard Plantagenet was born to Richard, fifth Earl of Cambridge and Anne Mortimer. His father was the son of Edmund, the fir...
第二十八届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛 英译汉三等奖译文 按语:本文为英文原作和三等奖译文对比文稿。译稿由三等奖获得者、中华女子学院2012级学员哈文婷提供。关于“第二十八届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛”更多信息,参见本网...
《美丽英文: 心灵深处的音乐》翻译评析 译例1: 原语:“Get the lantern and follow me,” I said. “We’re going to make a memory.” ——Estival Warm Pick Berry by Nancy Sweetland 原译文:“拿上灯笼,跟我...