1.减少碳排放 reduce carbon emissions
2.绿色低碳发展 green and low-carbon development
3.光伏发电 photovoltaic power
4.风力发电 wind power
5.油价上涨rising gasoline prices
6.加油站 gasoline station
7.能源价格上涨 rising energy prices
8.地缘政治危机 geopolitical crisis
9.经济复苏 economic rebound
10.能源科技创新 energy technology innovation
11.能源绿色低碳转型 a green-oriented transition of energy
12.绿色发展理念 vision of green development
13.氢能产业发展 hydrogen energy industry development
14.关键核心技术攻坚 achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key field
15.国家历史文化名城 national historical and cultural city
16.传统布局 traditional layout
17.文化遗产保护 cultural heritage protection
18.国家文物局 National Cultural Heritage Administration
19.全民健身公共服务体系 public service system for sports and fitness
20.烈士褒扬 commending martyrs
21.优待 preferential treatment
22.司法服务 judicial service
23.烈士纪念设施 memorial facilities for martyrs
24.美丽中国 Beautiful China initiative
25.中国植树节 National Tree Planting Day
26.植树造林 afforestation
27.海上风电场 offshore wind farm
28.标准煤 standard coal
29.海底电缆 submarine cables
30.海上风电机组 offshore wind turbines
31.促消费boost consumption
32.专项债 special-purpose bonds
33.海外仓 overseas warehouses
34.跨境电商 cross-border e-commerce
35.外商直接投资foreign direct investment (FDI)
36.创新驱动发展 innovation-driven development
37.国内统一大市场 a unified domestic market
38.量子安全直接通信quantum secure direct communication
39.星地量子通信网 space-to-ground quantum network
40.自主创新道路 the path of independent innovation
41.战略性新兴产业 strategic emerging industries
42.全球贸易global trade
43.低收入国家 low-income countries
44.大宗商品价格 commodity prices
45.家庭支出 household spending
46.通胀压力 inflationary pressures
47.动态清零 dynamic zero-COVID policy
48.重污染天气 heavily polluted weather
49.地表水 surface water50.细颗粒物(PM2.5)平均浓度 average concentration of airborne particles (PM2.5)