个人信息保护法Law on Personal Information Protection
大数据杀熟 differentiate prices through user profiling
图像获取设备image acquisition equipment
数据搜集处理data collection and processing
现代化经济体系modern economic system
科技创新共同体scientific and technological innovation community
环境保护和资源节约工程environmental protection and resource conservation projects
水污染防治和水生态修复water pollution control and water ecological restoration
大气污染物减排air pollutant emission reduction
新上市公司newly-listed companies
证券交易所stock exchange
多层次资本市场multi-level capital market
资本市场改革reform of capital market
科创板The science and Technology Innovation Board/STAR Market
互联互通机制connectivity mechanism
多次入境签证multiple entry visa
单次入境签证single entry visa
落地签visa on arrival
签证限制visa restrictions
智能交通smart transportation
自动驾驶汽车autonomous/self-driving/driverless vehicle
社会心态social mentality
国家统计局the National Bureau of Statistics
中国制造业采购经理指数Purchasing Managers' Index(PMI) for China's manufacturing sector
非制造业商务活动指数Purchasing Managers' Index(PMI) for China's non-manufacturing sector
经济景气指数Economic Sentiment Index
个人所得税individual income tax (IIT)
个人所得税综合所得年度汇算清缴the annual individual income tax settlement for comprehensive income
专项扣除itemized deductions
专项附加扣除additional itemized deductions
性别收入差距gender pay gap
性别刻板印象gender stereotype
科技自立自强self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology
自主创新道路the path of independent innovation
红色教育education on the history of revolution
中国共产党历史展览馆the Museum of the CPC
党史学习教育Party history learning and education
党的光荣传统和优良作风the glorious traditions and fine conduct of the CPC
红色传统traditions from revolutionary times
闭环管理closed-loop management
新冠疫情防控联络官COVID-19 liaison officers
减少接触minimize physical interaction
检测、追踪与隔离test, trace and isolate
《奥林匹克宪章》the Olympic Charter
简约、安全、精彩的奥运盛会a streamlined, safe and splendid Olympics
一起向未来Together for a Shared Future
文物保护和科技创新preservation of cultural relics and related technological innovation
文物保护利用protection and utilization of cultural relics
文化资源整合integration of cultural resources
考古能力建设archaeological capacity building