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发布日期 :2022-01-16 点击数:

  1. 还执迷于居高临下对他国事务指手画脚的恶习当中。He is obsessed with condescendingly criticizing other countries.

  2. 仍然不思悔改,继续信口雌黄。He keeps lying without remorse.

  3. 英方动不动就以“守护者”自居,这纯粹是自作多情、痴心妄想。Claiming itself the guardian of Hong Kong is nothing more than self-entertaining.

  4. 这种说法简直是厚颜无耻!How brazen is that!

  5. 亨特先生罔顾事实,居然称特区政府是在“镇压”,这完全是颠倒黑白。In total disregard of facts, Mr. Hunt called the SAR government's response "repression". That is entirely misleading.

  6. 如果英国议会被围攻、被闯入、被破坏,英政府会听之任之、坐视不管吗?If it were the British Parliament that had been stormed and vandalized, what would the British government do? Will it sit by idly and let the protesters have their way?

  7. 吃着中国的饭,还砸着中国的锅。They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.

  8. 揣着明白装糊涂。Play dumb and feign innocence.

  9. 世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了。They will only be shrugged off by people around the world.

  10. 真金不怕火炼。True gold doesn't fear the test of fire.

  11. 不以为耻,反以为荣。Take pride in instead of feeling ashamed for something.

  12. 搬起石头砸自己的脚。The stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet.

  13. 这本身就是对民主的嘲讽,是最大的不民主。Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy.

  14. 为“台独”势力搭台,只会让自己下不来台。Those offering platform to "Taiwan independence" forces will find themselves in an awkward place.

  15. 与“台独”一起玩火,终将引火烧身。Those playing with “Taiwan independence” forces will end up getting burned.

  16. 美方对中方的指责是典型的双重标准,属于“只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯”。The US allegation against China is typical double standards by forbidding others to do what it is doing itself.

  17. 只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。One may steal a horse while another may not look over the hedge.

  18. 美方执法部门为了抹黑打压中国,近来不断炒作所谓“中国渗透”“中国间谍问题”,已经到了草木皆兵、杯弓蛇影的地步。Lately US law enforcement has been busy hyping up the so-called China infiltration and espionage issues to the point of paranoia.

  19. 我们敦促美方停止“贼喊捉贼”。停止利用所谓间谍问题对中国进行污蔑抹黑。The world has seen the act of the real thief crying "stop the thief" too many times. We urge the US to stop using the so-called espionage issue to smear China.

  20. 美方影射中国驻休斯敦总领馆外交官曾在美盟友如澳大利亚等国从事特工活动,是无中生有、以己度人的猜测。The US allegation that Chinese diplomats at the Consulate-General in Houston have carried out espionage in Australia and other US allies is made up out of thin air. It is like measuring others' corn by one's own bushel.

  21. 为了坚决维护国家主权、尊严和核心利益,反对西方霸权主义和强权政治,今年以来,中国政府已多次宣布对有关国家的实体和个人实施相应反制措施。“以其人之道,还治其人之身”。In order to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, dignity and core interests and oppose Western hegemonism and power politics, the Chinese government has launched multiple corresponding countermeasures against entities and individuals of relevant countries since the beginning of 2021. It's paying them back in their own coin.

  22. 分明是黄鼠狼给鸡拜年——没安好心。Like the weasel paying respect to the hen without the best of intentions.

  23. 两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。 Amid monkeys' howl along the riverbanks, my skiff has travelled a thousand miles.

  24. 美国人权劣迹可谓是罄竹难书。The list of notorious human rights violations of the US goes on and on.

  25. 中国共产党与中国人民鱼水情深、血肉相连。中国人民就是中国共产党的“铜墙铁壁”,谁都别想打破。The CPC and the Chinese people are always there for each other. No one can cut off the flesh and blood ties between the CPC and the Chinese people. And no one can break the CPC without breaking the Chinese people!

  26. 投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶。You throw a peach to me, I give you a white jade for friendship.

  27. 行有不得,反求诸己。Turn inward and examine yourself when you encounter difficulties in life.

  28. 借用一句捷克的谚语:给别人挖坑的人,自己也会掉进坑里。I'll end on a Czech saying to the effect that "He who digs a pit for others will fall into it himself".

  29. 蒙古谚语有云:得志时送骆驼,不如落魄时送根针。As a Mongolian proverb goes, the gift of a needle in bad times is worth more than a camel in good times.

  30. 这个锅太大了,他们甩不出去的。The responsibility is so heavy and it is impossible to shift the blame.

  31. 既然有骂人的嚣张,为什么没有道歉的勇气。It had the audacity to slander , why then, does it lack the courage to make an apology?

  32. 澳大利亚国内的一些政客,似乎患上了对华恐惧和臆想的“偏执症”。Some politicians in Australia seem to be suffering from paranoia, dominated by China-phobia and conjectures.

  33. 美国的做法是最典型的“世界驰名双重标准”。This double-standard way of behaving is so typical of the US.

  34. 只要不是铁了心,闭上眼,假装叫不醒的人,它都能够看到一些事实和真相。Anyone who is not playing deaf and dumb will be able to see the truth.

  35. 中方决不吃这一套。Don’t expect China to swallow this.

  36. 美国习惯于充当“人权教师爷”,对别国人权状况指手画脚。The US is feeling very comfortable with playing the role of “a human rights preacher”, condescendingly harping on others’ human rights conditions.

  37. 中国有句话叫“妇女能顶半边天”。I wonder if you have heard of the Chinese saying that “women hold up half the sky”.

  38. 他(蓬佩奥)就像一部复读机,反复播放着“反华”磁带。He is like a broken record, playing the same “anti-China” tunes over and over again.

  39. 在刷存在感的同时,是不是事先要做好家庭作业,以免贻笑大方。Do some homework before crafting a publicity stunt, so as not to make a fool of himself.

  40. 这暴露出美方所谓“新闻自由”的虚伪性,是赤裸裸的“双重标准”和霸权欺凌。This fully reveals the hypocrisy of its so-called freedom of the press and is double-standards and hegemony at full display.

  41. 我们唯有踔厉奋发、笃行不怠,方能不负历史、不负时代、不负人民。Only through vigorous and determined endeavor can we fulfill our responsibility toward history, prove worthy of our times and live up to people’s expectations.

  42. 我们要常怀远虑、居安思危,保持战略定力和耐心,“致广大而尽精微”。We must always keep a long-term perspective, remain mindful of potential risks, maintain strategic focus and determination, and attain to the broad and great while addressing the delicate and minute.

  43. 千头万绪的事,说到底是千家万户的事。The myriad of things we attend to all boil down to matters concerning every household.

  44. 民之所忧,我必念之;民之所盼,我必行之。The concerns of the people are what I always care about, and the aspirations of the people are what I always strive for.

  45. 人不负青山,青山定不负人。If we do not fail Nature, Nature shall never fail us.

  46. 无数平凡英雄拼搏奋斗,汇聚成新时代中国昂扬奋进的洪流。The hard work and dedication of countless unsung heroes have all added to the great momentum of China’s march forward in the new era.

  47. 真诚期盼全体中华儿女携手向前,共创中华民族美好未来。I sincerely hope that all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation will join forces to create a brighter future for our nation.

  48. 世界各国风雨同舟、团结合作,才能书写构建人类命运共同体的新篇章。Only through unity, solidarity and cooperation can countries around the world write a new chapter in building a global community of shared future.

  49. 我们将竭诚为世界奉献一届奥运盛会。世界期待中国,中国做好了准备。We will spare no effort to present a great Games to the world. The world is turning its eyes to China, and China is ready.

  50. 让我们一起向未来!祝福国泰民安!Let us all work together for a shared future. May our country enjoy prosperity and our people live in peace and harmony!

