1. 儿童优惠政策 discount policy for children
2. 列车时刻表 train schedules
3. 实名购票 real-name ticket purchasing
4. 城市公共交通 urban public transportation
5. 服务领域 the service sector
6. 遵守规则 abide by the rules7. 公平竞争 fair competition
8. 碳汇能力 carbon sink ability
9. 整治未成年人网络环境 clean up the online environment for minors
10. 删除好友 unfriend
11. 取关 unfollow
12. 拉黑 blacklist
13. 屏蔽 block
14. 朋友圈 moment
15. 赞 like
16. 点赞 give a thumbs-up to...
17. 截图 screenshots
18. 留言 comments
19. 自拍 selfie
20. 发一个表情 send a sticker
21. 非化石能源 nonfossil energy
22. 世界遗产中心 World Heritage Center
23. 固体废物处置 solid waste treatment
24. 生活垃圾分类 household garbage sorting
25. 农村人居环境整治提升 rural living environment upgrade
26. 高质量教育体系 high-quality education system
27. 中国特色世界一流大学 world-class universities with Chinese characteristics
28. “双一流”建设高校及学科 universities and disciplines included in the “double world-class project”
29. 试验区 pilot zone
30. 产业变革 industrial transformation
31. 信息化数字基础设施 digital information infrastructure
32. 服务业特殊困难行业 services sectors in special difficulty
33. 各行各业 all walks of life
34. 中小微企业 micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMES)
35. 缓税政策 tax deferral policies
36. 收入分配秩序 income distribution system
37. 耕地保护制度 farmland protection system
38. 农村农业现代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas
39. 刷脸支付 payment through face recognition
40. 无人时代 unmanned era
41. 无人机送货 drone delivery
42. 蹒跚学步的小孩 toddler
43. 课外辅导班 extracurricular classes
44. 成为最好的自己 to become one’s best self
45. 制裁 impose sanctions on
46. 部署军队 deploy troops
47. 武装冲突 armed conflict
48. 签署行政命令 sign an executive order
49. 进行紧急磋商 hold emergency talks
50. 主权债务 sovereign debt
51. 签署行政命令 to sign an executive order
52. 重申 reiterate
53. 去军事化 demilitarization
54. 承认俄罗斯对克里米亚的主权 to recognize Russia’s sovereignty over Crimea
55. 报复措施 retaliatory measures
56. 核威慑力量 nuclear deterrence forces
57. 让人民放心 win people’s trust
58. 人才库 human resource databank
59. 网络课件 web-based courseware
60. 网络营销 network marketing
61. 爆品 a smash hit
62. 吉祥物 mascot
63. 热情的粉丝 enamored fans
64. 网络红人 an Internet sensation/online celebrity
65. 特许经营店 licensed merchandise stores
66. 职业技能培训 vocational training
67. 劳动报酬 work remuneration
68. 灵活就业 flexible employment
69. 流露自己的感情 to wear your heart on sleeve
70. 熬夜;挑灯夜战 to burn the midnight oil