外交术语中英对照(二) 外交惯例diplomatic practice 外交豁免diplomatic immunities 外交特权diplomatic privileges 外交途径diplomatic channels 外交信使diplomatic courier 外交邮袋diplomatic bag, diplo...
外交术语中英对照(二) 外交惯例diplomatic practice 外交豁免diplomatic immunities 外交特权diplomatic privileges 外交途径diplomatic channels 外交信使diplomatic courier 外交邮袋diplomatic bag, diplo...
外交术语中英对照(一) 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs 大使馆embassy 公使馆legation 总领事馆consulate-general 领事馆consulate 武官处military attaché’s office 商务处commercial counselor’s off...
法律及审讯类术语 公安机关 public security organ 人民检察院 the people's procuratorate 人民法院 the people's court 拘留所 detention house 侦查人员 investigator 犯罪嫌疑人criminal suspect 申诉 appeal t...
1. 四合院 courtyard dwellings; quadrangle dwellings 2. 水货 smuggled goods 3. 四书(《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》)The Four Books (The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects o...
1. 涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton 2. 收视率 audience ratings; television viewing 3. 双向选择 two-way selection, referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job market 4. 首创精神 pioneer...
常见成语英译50例 名山大川 Famous mountains and great rivers 扬长避短 Play up strength and avoid weakness 集思广益 Draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas 国泰民安 The country flourish an...
2020年度热词 抗 Resist 民 The people; civil 云 Cloud 安 Peace 脱贫 Poverty elimination; poverty alleviation; poverty eradication 脱贫攻坚 Tackling poverty alleviation 精准扶贫 Targeted poverty allevia...
1. 发挥科技成果潜力harness advances in science and technology 2. 发展科技教育boost research and development education 3. 高科技农业high-tech agriculture 4. 高科技作战系统high-tech combat system 5. 国防...
1. 边境城市 border cities 2. 城市病 urban maladies 3. 城市布局 structure 4. 城市地下综合管廊 multi-purpose networks for underground pipelines in cities 5. 城市公立医院综合改革试点 comprehensive trial ...
中国外文局新冠肺炎疫情相关词汇中英对照 1.白衣执甲、逆行出征Heedless of their own safety, medical workers headed for the frontline against the virus. 2.不获全胜决不轻言成功We will not proclaim success ...