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发布日期 :2020-10-29 点击数:

1. 边境城市 border cities

2. 城市病 urban maladies

3. 城市布局 structure

4. 城市地下综合管廊 multi-purpose networks for underground pipelines in cities

5. 城市公立医院综合改革试点 comprehensive trial reforms of public hospitals in cities

6. 城市管理新样板 a new model for urban management

7. 城市规划与古城保护 urban planning and old town preservation

8. 城市轨道交通 urban rail transport

9. 城市轨道交通建设 urban rail development

10. 城市化 urbanization

11. 城市化和城市基础建设论坛 urbanization and urban infrastructure forum

12. 城市化论坛 Meeting of the BRICS Urbanization Forum

13. 城市环境保护 urban environmental protection

14. 城市建设投融资机制 mechanisms for investment and financing to ensure funding for urban development

15. 城市居民委员会 urban neighborhood committees

16. 城市搜索与救援 urban search and rescue

17. 城市污水处理厂日处理能力 daily treatment capacity of city sewage

18. 城市污水处理率 city sewage treatment rate

19. 城市污水日处理能力 daily urban sewage treatment capacity

20. 城市支持农村 cities supporting rural areas/ encourage cities to support rural development

21. 低碳生态城市 eco-cities

22. “东盟文化城市” ASEAN Cultural Cities

23. 服务外包示范城市 services outsourcing demonstration cities

24. 工业化、城市化 industrialization and urbanization

25. 跨省区城市群规划 planning for cross-provincial city clusters

26. 蓝绿交织、清新明亮、水城共融的生态城市 eco-friendly city with lush landscape with grass; trees and water

27. 伦敦金融城市长晚宴 Dinner Hosted by The Lord Mayor of the City of London

28. 绿色城镇化和可持续城市发展 green urbanization and sustainable city development

29. 农村包围城市 rural areas to encircle the cities

30. 欧洲的首都城市 the capital city of Europe

31. 生态城市 an eco-friendly city

32. 生态城市和智能城市合作项目 eco-city and smart city cooperation programs

33. 世界级城市群 world-class urban cluster

34. 试点城市建设 set up pilot cities

35. 首届金砖国家友好城市暨地方政府合作论坛 the first BRICS Friendship Cities and Local Governments Cooperation Forum

36. 亚太经合组织可持续城市合作网络 cooperative network of sustainable cities in APEC economies

37. 友好城市 sister city

38. 智慧型城市 smart cities

39. 智慧型城市建设项目 smart city building project

40. 中美友好城市大会 China-U.S.Sister Cities Conference

