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发布日期 :2021-03-03 点击数:

1. 涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton

2. 收视率 audience ratings; television viewing

3. 双向选择 two-way selection, referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job market

4. 首创精神 pioneering spirit

5. 双学位 double degree

6. 首航 maiden voyage (of an aircraft or ship)

7. 双职工 man and wife both at work; working couple

8. 寿司 sushi, a Japanese dish of rolls of cold rice flavoured and garnished

9. 双重国籍 dual nationality

10. 受灾群众 people afflicted by a natural disaster

11. 试点工程 pilot project

12. 授信额度 line of credit

13. 试用期 probationary period

14. 视频点播 video on demand (VOD)

15. 适度从紧的财政政策 moderately tight fiscal policy

16. 树立企业良好形象 foster a good and healthy company image

17. 适销对路的产品 readily marketable products

18. 数字地球 digital globe

19. 释迦牟尼 Sakyamuni

20. 甩卖 clearance sale; be on sale

21. 收盘价 closing price

22. 双刃剑 double-edged sword

23. 手机入网费 initiation charges for mobile phone / mobile access fee

24. 三十而立 A man should be independent at the age of thirty. At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself.

25. 首次公开发行的股票 initial public offering (IPO)

26. 双赢局面 win-win situation

27. 首期按揭 down-payment

28. 双重轨制 two-tier system ; double-track system

29. 受灾地区 disaster-affected are

30. 谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass.

31. 杀鸡用牛刀 break a butterfly on the wheel

32. 弱肉强食法则 law of the jungle

33. 沙尘暴 sand storm; dust storm

34. 三八红旗手 woman pace-setter

35. 山不在高,有仙则名 No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy;

36. 《山海经》 the Classic of Mountains and Rivers

37. 三通一平 three supplies and one leveling; supply of water, electricity and road and leveled ground (conditions ready for further economic development)

38. 闪电战 blitz; lightning war

39. 三废(废气、废水、废渣) three wastes (waste gas, waste water and waste residues)

40. 商品房空置的现象 the vacancy problem in commercial housing

41. 三个代表 three represents theory (The Party should always represent the development needs of China's advanced social productive forces, always represent the onward direction of China's advanced culture, and always represent the fundamental interests of the largest member of the Chinese people.)

42. 商品经济 commodity economy

43. 三国演义 The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

44. 商务旅游 business travel

45. 三讲教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气)three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)

46. 商业存在(服务贸易)commercial presence

47. 三角债 chain debt

48. 商业网点 commodity network

49. 三连冠 three successive championships

50. 上海合作组织 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

