9月卢敏热词汇总 1. 校闹acts that disrupt school order 2. 产业合同industrial collaboration 3. 工匠精神craftsmanship 4. 人造肉lab-grown meat 5. 换脸软件face swap app 6. 过度收集用户个人信息excessively c...
9月卢敏热词汇总 1. 校闹acts that disrupt school order 2. 产业合同industrial collaboration 3. 工匠精神craftsmanship 4. 人造肉lab-grown meat 5. 换脸软件face swap app 6. 过度收集用户个人信息excessively c...
2019年8月中国日报热词精选 1. 5A级景区 5A-level scenic areas 2. 文化和旅游部The Ministry of Culture and Tourism 3. 2019年大学超高净值校友排行榜 2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings 4. 规...
7月卢敏热词汇总 1. 有害垃圾Hazardous Waste 2. 可回收垃圾Recyclable Waste 3. 湿垃圾Household Food Waste 4. 干垃圾Residual Waste 5. 海洋资源marine resources 6. 海底资源sea bottom resources 7. 土壤保持so...
2019年6月卢敏时事热词佳句精选 一、 热词集锦 Hot Words 1.挑起经贸摩擦 provoke economic and trade frictions 2.出尔反尔、不讲诚信 backtrack on commitments 3.强制性要求 mandatory requirement 4.矛盾升级 es...
5月卢敏热词汇总 1.河海不择细流,故能就其深。The ceaseless inflow of rivers makes the ocean deep. 2.万物得其本者生,百事得其道者成。Plants with strong roots grow well, and efforts with the right focus ...
党政群机构行政职务英译文 书记 Party Secretary 副书记 Deputy Party Secretary 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 副省长 Vice Governor 秘书长 Secretary-General 副秘书长 Deputy...
国务院机构英文译名 一、中华人民共和国国务院办公厅 General Office of the State Council, PRC 二、国务院组成部门 中华人民共和国外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PRC 中华人民共和国国防部 Ministry ...
4月卢敏热词汇总 1.迎接挑战embrace challenges 2.寻求互利合作的双赢之道seek win-win results in cooperation 3.将“一带一路”倡议与各国发展战略对接align the Belt and Road Initiative with development strat...
4月热词 1.a third Trump-Kim summit 第三次“特金会” Kim Jong-un said he was open to a third summit with President Trump. However, North Korea’s leader said that America must change a mindset of ...
3月热词汇总 1. 直播平台标准 Standard for Livestreaming Platforms Hubei province has issued China's first standard for livestreaming platforms and hosts in a move that aims to weed out misbehaving hos...