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发布日期 :2019-08-31 点击数:


1. 5A级景区 5A-level scenic areas

2. 文化和旅游部The Ministry of Culture and Tourism

3. 2019年大学超高净值校友排行榜 2019 University Ultra-High-Net-Worth Alumni Rankings

4. 规模裁员和失业风险预警机制 early warning mechanism for large-scale layoffs and unemployment risks

5. 稳增长stabilize growth

6. 助创业promote entrepreneurship

7. 大练兵 mass drill

8. 外籍教师 foreign teachers

9. 退档考生 rejected students

10. 缩小城乡教育差距narrow the gap between urban and rural schools

11. 国家专项计划National Special Program

12. 地方专项计划Local Special Program

13. 高校专项计划Special Program for Colleges and Universities

14. 禁带食品入园政策 no-outside-food-and-drink policy

15. 人造肉 lab-grown meat

16. “人造肉”月饼mooncakes stuffed with lab-grown meat

17. 《上海堡垒》 Shanghai Fortress

18. 《流浪地球》The Wandering Earth

19. 西部陆海新通道 new western land-sea corridor

20. 辐射延展带extended areas

21. 中国特色社会主义先行示范区 the pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics

22. 高质量发展高地leading player in high-quality development

23. 法治城市示范example of law-based governance

24. 城市文明典范model of urban civilization

25. 民生幸福标杆good example of people's livelihood and happiness

26. 可持续发展先锋pioneer in sustainable development

27. 海洋开发银行maritime development bank

28. 上海方言早教中心 nursery schools using Shanghai dialect

29. 校闹 acts that disrupt school order

30. 人格权 personality rights

31. 贷款市场报价利率 loan prime rate (LPR)

32. 公积金个人住房贷款利率政策暂不调整。Interest rate policies for individual housing loans via one's housing provident fund will stay unchanged.

33. 新设自贸试验区 new pilot FTZs

34. 新版语文教材 new Chinese textbooks

35. 共和国勋章 the Medal of the Republic

36. 七一勋章the July 1 Medal

37. 友谊勋章the Friendship Medal

38. 国家荣誉称号national titles of honor

39. 功勋簿Book of Merit

40. 国庆庆祝活动 celebration events on National Day

41. 庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会a grand gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

42. 阅兵式military parade

43. 国庆招待会National Day reception

44. 70周年纪念章medals in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the PRC

45. 纪念币和纪念邮票commemorative coins and stamps

46. 宏观层面macro perspective

47. 财政fiscal position

48. 量化标准quantitative criteria

49. 贸易争端trade dispute

50. 要求澄清require clarification

