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发布日期 :2019-08-31 点击数:


1. 有害垃圾Hazardous Waste

2. 可回收垃圾Recyclable Waste

3. 湿垃圾Household Food Waste

4. 干垃圾Residual Waste

5. 海洋资源marine resources

6. 海底资源sea bottom resources

7. 土壤保持soil conservation

8. 环境评估environmental assessment

9. 环境工程学environmental engineering

10. 环境核算environmental accounting

11. 监控摄像头surveillance camera

12. 太空葬礼funeral flight

13. 国事访问state visit

14. 进行深入沟通conduct in-depth discussions

15. 共同关心的问题issues of common concern

16. 化解冲突resolve the dispute

17. 暴雨torrential rain

18. 高考national college entrance exam

19. 提高警惕heighten vigilance

20. 公共安全事件public security incidents

21. 威胁中国游客的生命财产安全pose threats to Chinese travelers’ lives and property

22. 互粉mutual following

23. 新石器晚期late Neolithic

24. 石器stone artifacts

25. 大规模调查发掘extensive surveys and excavation

26. 良渚古城遗址Archaeological ruins of Liangzhu city

27. 世界文化遗产名录World Cultural Heritage List

28. 广东自由贸易试验区the Guangdong pilot free trade zone

29. 实体经济real economy

30. 自主创新independent innovation

31. 创新发展主动权the initiative of innovative development

32. 脱贫get out of poverty

33. 贫困线poverty threshold

34. 野生动物园safari park

35. 国家公园national park

36. 工业废弃物industrial waste

37. 核废弃物nuclear waste

38. 有毒废弃物toxic waste

39. 文化多样性cultural diversity

40. 传统文化教育traditional culture education

41. 申遗bid for the World Heritage List

42. 需求预测demand forecasting

44. 扩大内需expansion of domestic demand

45. 消费者支出consumer spending

46. 消费模式spending pattern

47. 膀爷topless guy

48. 未成年人身心健康physical and mental health of youngsters

49. 校园欺(霸)凌school bullying

50. 抚养能力childrearing capacity

