1. 把握大势、抢占先机
grasp the main trends, seize opportunities;
2. 直面问题、迎难而上
face problems squarely, and rise to challenges;
3. 瞄准世界科技前沿
aim for the frontiers of science and technology;
4. 引领科技发展方向
lead the direction of its development;
5. 肩负起历史赋予的重任
shoulder the heavy responsibilities bestowed by history;
6. 勇做新时代科技创新的排头兵
be vanguards in innovation in the new era;
7. 自主创新是我们攀登世界科技高峰的必由之路。
The independent innovation is the only path for China to climb high in global science and technology.
1. 就双边经贸磋商发表联合声明
issue a joint statement on economic and trade consultations;
2. 不打贸易战
vow not to launch a trade war against each other;
3. 大量增加自美购买商品和服务
significantly increase its purchase of U.S. goods and service;
4. 有意义地增加美国农产品和能源进口
meaningfully increase the export of U.S. agriculture and energy products;
5. 鼓励双向投资
encourage the two-way investment;
6. 努力创造公平竞争有营商环境
commit to creating a business environment for fair competition;
1. 谭秦东将鸿茅药酒称为“毒药”,而被拘禁。
Tan Qindong was detained as he referred Hongmao medicinal liquor as a “poison”.
2. 他怀疑该公司是否能证明,这种酒能够治疗多种疾病,如它所声称的动脉硬化和心肌梗死。
He doubted whether the company can prove the liquor was capable of curing multiple diseases, such as arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction as it claims.
3. 在广告中夸大疗效
exaggerate efficiency in advertisements;
4. 该公司总部位于内蒙古自治区的梁城县,当地警方跨越近2000公里,到广州逮捕了他。
Police from Liangcheng County of China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, where the medicinal liquor company is based, travelled nearly 2,000 kilometers to Guangzhou to arrest him.
1. 夜间安全保障机制不合理
Night safety mechanism was defective.
2. 在司机接单前,夜间的人脸识别机制没有被触发。
The night mode face recognition mechanism was not triggered before the driver took the order.
3. 暂停顺风车服务,整改一周
suspend car-pool service for a week of rectification;
4. 隐藏乘客与司机的个人信息与外显头像
hide the personal data and profile pictures of passengers and drivers;
5. 顺风车服务是滴滴公司提供的13项服务之一。
Didi Hitch is one of 13 services offered by the firm.
6. 其他服务正常运行。
Other services will remain operational.
1. 中日韩领导人会议中断2年半后重启
resumption of the trilateral leaders' meeting mechanism after a two-and-a-half-year hiatus;
2. 管控分歧
manage disputes;
3. 区域全面经济伙伴关系协定
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP);
4. 在当前形势下,应坚定地站在一起,维护以规则为基础的多边自由贸易体系。
stand together in an even more steadfast manner to safeguard the rules-based multilateral free trade system;
5. 为世界经济增长注入新的动力
provide new driving force for world economic growth;
1. 就中朝关系及共同关心的重大问题全面深入交换意见
have an all-round and in-depth exchange of views on China-DPRK relations and major issues of common concern;
2. 时隔40多天再次专程来华
make a special trip to China again just after 40-odd days;
3. 取得富有意义的进展
undergone meaningful progress;
4. 同中方加强战略沟通和合作 strengthen strategic communication and cooperation with China;
5. 促进地区和平稳定
promote regional peace and stability;
6. 同志式的相互信任和情义
comrade-like trust and friendship;
7. 远见卓识
profound vision and extraordinary wisdom;
8. 亲切友好的气氛
a cordial and friendly atmosphere;
1. 驾驶舱挡风玻璃突然破裂.
A cockpit windshield suddenly blew out.
2. 副驾驶半个身体被“吸”了出去。
The co-pilot had been sucked halfway out of the window.
3. 紧急备降
make an emergency landing;
4. 挽救了119名乘客的生命
save the lives of all 119 passengers;
5. 瞬间下降五六秒
a nosedive that lasted five to six seconds;
1. 卫冕冠军
defending champion;
2. 实现世乒赛男团9连冠
claim their ninth consecutive title at men's final of the 2018 World Team Table Tennis Championships;
3. 中国队第21次捧起斯韦思林杯
help China raise the Swaythling Cup for the 21st time;
4. 老将
5. 头号种子选手
No.1 seed;
6. 半决赛