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发布日期 :2018-04-30 点击数:



1. 美国将根据《1974年贸易法》第301条,在涉及技术转让、知识产权和创新领域对中国正式启动贸易调查。

The United States will initiate an investigation into Chinese intellectual property and technology transfer practices under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974.

2. 总统备忘录

presidential memorandum

3. 涉及征税的中国商品价值大约500亿美元

impose tariffs on up to $50 billion of imports from China

4. 将在15天内制定对中国商品征收关税的具体方案

to publish a list of proposed Chinese goods that could be subject to tariffs in 15 days

5. 45家贸易协会联名向政府请愿,敦促不要对中国征收关税,警告如强行征税将损害美经济、消费者和竞争力。

A total of 45 U.S. trade associations urged the administration not to move forward its tariff plan on Chinese imports, as it would hurt U.S. consumers and companies.

6. 中方回应:


China will absolutely not sit back watching its legitimate interests be damaged.

7. 必将采取所有必要措施,坚决捍卫自身合法权益。

All necessary measures will be taken to defend its rights and interests.

8. 中方不想跟任何人打贸易战,但如果有人非逼迫我们打,我们一不会怕,二不会躲。

China does not want a trade war with anyone. But China is not afraid of and will not recoil from a trade war.


1. 全面取消5项高考加分项目

eliminate five preferential items from its education policy that adds bonus points to a student's national college entrance exam

2. 取消体育特长、中学生学科奥林匹克竞赛、科技类竞赛、省级优秀学生、思想政治品德有突出事迹者全国性加分项目。

The cancellation will relate to students with talent in sports, winners in the international Olympiads, prize winners of science and technology competitions, provincial excellent students and good merit students.

3. 促进城乡区域入学机会公平

promote the fairness of rural students being enrolled by colleges and universities

4. 强化高校考试招生信息安全

secure the safety of enrollment information and student information.


1. 罹患脑瘤

suffered from brain tumor

2. 在医院安然离世

died peacefully in the hospital

3. 因言入狱

was imprisoned because of his criticism

4. 犀利问政,不畏反击。

He didn’t hold back punches in his sharp criticism of the government.

5. 在生命最后的时间里,他写了一封给家人、友人和仇人的绝笔信。

Feeling his days were numbered, he wrote a letter to his family, friends, and foes to say farewell.

6. “我这一生当中,骂过很多人,伤过很多人;仇敌无数,朋友不多。”

I have scolded and hurt many in my life,

I have countless enemies but not many friends.


1. 汪洋当选全国政协主席。

Wang Yang was elected Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).

2. 同时选出24位全国政协副主席和300名全国委员会常务委员。

Altogether 24 vice chairpersons and 300 Standing Committee members were also elected.

3. 政治协商的机构

political advisory body

4. 政协委员

political advisors

5. 提案



1. 杰出的理论物理学家

brilliant British theoretical physicist

2. 探索宇宙之谜

probe the mysteries of the universe

3. 患有肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症

suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

4. 《时间简史》

A Brief History of Time

5. 霍金1942年1月8日生于英国牛津。他的生日恰恰是天文学家、物理学家伽利略•伽利莱的三百岁忌日。

Hawking was born in Oxford, England, on what turned out to be an auspicious date: January 8, 1942 -- the 300th anniversary of the death of astronomer and physicist Galileo Galilei.


1. 3月13日,国务院机构改革方案提请十三届全国人大一次会议审议。审议通过后,除国务院办公厅外,国务院设置组成部门26个。

The State Council, or China's cabinet, submitted a plan on institutional restructuring to the First Session of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberations on March 13. If the plan is passed, the State Council will consist of 26 ministries and commissions in addition to the General Office of the State Council.

2. 外交部-- Ministry of Foreign Affairs

3. 国防部-- Ministry of National Defense

4. 国家发展和改革委员会-- National Development and Reform Commission

5. 教育部-- Ministry of Education

6. 科学技术部-- Ministry of Science and Technology

7. 工业和信息化部-- Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

8. 国家民族事务委员会-- State Ethnic Affairs Commission

9. 公安部-- Ministry of Public Security

10. 国家安全部-- Ministry of State Security

11. 民政部-- Ministry of Civil Affairs

12. 司法部-- Ministry of Justice

13. 财政部-- Ministry of Finance

14. 人力资源和社会保障部-- Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security

15. 自然资源部-- Ministry of Natural Resources

16. 生态环境部-- Ministry of Ecological Environment

17. 住房和城乡建设部-- Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

18. 交通运输部-- Ministry of Transport

19. 水利部-- Ministry of Water Resources

20. 农业农村部-- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

21. 商务部-- Ministry of Commerce

22. 文化和旅游部-- Ministry of Culture and Tourism

23. 国家卫生健康委员会-- National Health Commission

24. 退役军人事务部-- Ministry of Veterans Affairs

25. 应急管理部-- Ministry of Emergency Management

26. 人民银行-- People’s Bank of China

27. 审计署-- National Audit Office

