1.监察法草案(Draft Law on Supervision)
自2016年11月7日根据中共中央办公厅印发的相关文件而成立的国家监察机关——中华人民共和国监察委员会(People's Republic of China Supervisory Commission),党的反腐力度继续加大,近期,中国人大公布《监察法》草案(draft law on supervision)征求公众意见。草案中就收受贿赂(accept bribes)、玩忽职守(dereliction of duty)、权色交易(trade one's power for sex)等严重违反党的纪律(seriously violate the Party's discipline)的行为给予不同的程度的惩罚措施,最引人关注的是对将取代“双规”(expel someone from the Communist Party of China and remove someone from public office)的留置(detention)的规定。
2.虐童案(Case of Child Abuse)
11月8日发生的携程亲子园(day care center)虐童案(case of child abuse)被媒体披露,引发家长和网友的极大愤慨(create an outcry from parents and netizens)。随着事件的曝光,携程公司发布声明称,其委托第三方管理(entrust to a third party to manage)的亲子园发生个别教师严重失职(gross negligence)的情况,公司已于7日报警(report the case to the police),涉事人员已被开除。公司会和家长站在一起(stand with the parents),对责任人员追责到底(hold those responsible accountable)。9日,上海市长宁公安分局通报称,警方已控制了该亲子园4名工作人员,其中3人因涉嫌虐待被监护、看护人罪被刑事拘留(be put under criminal detention)。虐童事件不仅造成了身体虐待(physical abuse),还有可能为受虐待的儿童产生童年创伤(childhood trauma),影响了心理健康(mental health)。
3.东亚经济共同体(East Asian Economic Community)
①Premier Li Keqiang advanced building an East Asian Economic Community in order to promote regional integration and common development at the 20th Association of Southeast Asian Nations, China, Japan and Republic of Korea (10+3) leaders' meeting in the Philippines on Tuesday.
②李克强呼吁各方携手并进,共同推进东亚经济共同体建设(jointly promote the construction of East Asian economic community),共同开创10+3合作更具活力的下一个20年(begin another brilliant 20 years of 10+3 cooperation)!
加快区域一体化建设 speed up regional integration
海上对话合作 maritime dialogue and cooperation
创新安全理念 develop new approaches to security
处理热点敏感问题 handle hot spot and sensitive issues
4.国家账本(State Balance Sheet)
The State Council recently approved the compiling of balance sheets for both the central and local governments. The central government reportedly may finish its first State balance sheet by the end of this year.
债务水平 debt level
杠杆率 leverage ratio
国家经济核算 national economic accounting
家庭资产负债表 household balance sheet
5.支付产业(Payment Industry)
China will open up its payment industry in a balanced and orderly way, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, said Thursday.
数字支付方式 digital payment
快速回应码 Quick Response (QR) code
扫码打赏 tipping via QR code
二维码 two-dimensional code
矩阵条形码 matrix barcode
6.消费革命(Consumer Revolution)
①China is experiencing a consumer revolution, according to an article published on the Financial Times. Alibaba and competitors such as JD.com are making e-commerce not merely efficient but entertaining.
②今年"双十一(Double 11)",中国电商再次打破销售纪录。据悉,仅阿里巴巴和京东两家的交易额就达2953亿元,其中阿里巴巴1682亿元,京东1271亿元,轻松超过美国"黑色星期五(Black Friday)"和"网络星期一(Cyber Monday)"的销售额。《金融时报》称,"双十一"是"购物和娱乐节日的巅峰(the climax of a shopping and entertainment festival)。
消费主义 consumerism
时装精品店 fashion boutique
奢华体验 lavish experience
倒计时晚会 countdown gala
7.吉利钱(Lucky Money)
Leonard Olijar, director of the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, announced the release of the bureau's lucky money of the Year of the Dog 2018 to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Lunar Year of the Dog on Tuesday.
红包 red envelop
压岁钱 gift money
纪念币 commemorative coin
特种邮票 special stamp
纪念钞 commemorative bank note
8.元首外交(Head-of-State Diplomacy)
中美两国之间的大国外交(major country diplomacy)事关两国人民的福祉,也关乎世界和地区和平、稳定与繁荣(regional peace, stability and prosperity)。在新的历史起点上(new historic starting point),双方同意加强两国高级别对话机制(high-level dialogue mechanism),扩共同利益(expand mutual interest)。