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发布日期 :2017-10-28 点击数:


1 “两个一百年”奋斗目标 The Two Centennial Goals


国内生产总值 GDP (gross domestic product)

社会主义现代化国家 modern socialist country

小康社会 a moderately prosperous society

2. 中国经济新常态 the new normal of China’s economy

中高速增长 medium-high growth rate

经济结构 economic structure

城乡差距 urban-rural gap

3. “四个没有变” The Four Features of China’s Economic Conditions that Remain Unchanged



中国经济发展长期向好的基本面 China’s positive economic fundamentals and long-term trajectory

经济韧性好,潜力足,回旋余地大的基本特征 the basic characteristics of strong resilience, great potential, and ample room for maneuver

经济持续增长的良好支撑基础和条件 the foundation and conditions for supporting sustained growth

经济结构调整优化的前进态势 the momentum for economic structural adjustment

4. 改革开放 Reform and Opening Up

高度集中计划经济体制 centrally planned economy

充满活力的社会主义经济体制 dynamic socialist market economy

从封闭半封闭到全方位开放 from a closed or semi-closed society to an open one

可支配收入 disposable income

纯收入(净收入)net income

负责任大国 responsible member

经济社会转型 economic and social transformation

海外殖民 overseas colonization

大规模社会动荡 widespread social unrest

解放和发展生产力 dismantling the economic straitjacket and unlocking the growth potential

5. 市场在原配置中起决定性作用 The Decisive Role of the Market in Resource Allocation

一般规律 general rule

击退;压到最低水平 roll back

政府干预过多 excessive government intervention

监管不到位 insufficient government oversight

效益最大化 maximizing the effectiveness

抑制消极腐败现象 rein in corruption and other forms of misconduct

6. 发挥经济体制改革的牵引作用 Economic Structural Reform - an Engine of Progress

中心工作 central task

经济领域 economic sphere

经济基础决定上层建筑 the economic basis determines the superstructures

主轴 central pillar

7. 转方式,调结构,稳增长 Growth Model Transformation, Structural Adjustment, and Steady Growth

粗放型增长/集约型增长 extensive/ intensive growth

内需/外需 domestic consumption/ overseas demand

8. “五大发展理念” Five Concepts for Development

创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享 innovation-driven, coordinated, green-oriented toward global progress, beneficial to all

基本国策 basic state policy

节约资源 resource conservation

指导思想 theoretical guideline

9. “五大发展理念”的具体内容 The Specifics of Five Concepts for Development

创新发展 Innovation-Driven Development


协调发展 Coordinated Development


绿色发展 green development


开放发展 Development for Global Progress


共享发展 Development for the Benefit of All


10. 打好扶贫攻坚战 Alleviating Poverty

脱贫 lift out of poverty

扶贫日 Poverty Alleviation Day(10月17日)

社会各方面 all sectors of society

义务教育 compulsory education

基本医疗 basic medical treatment

精准扶贫,精准脱贫 Targeted Approach to Poverty Alleviation

