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发布日期 :2019-03-01 点击数:


1.逮捕没有违反任何美国或加拿大法律的中国公民,是严重侵犯人权的行为。 It is a serious violation of human rights to arrest a Chinese citizen who did not violate any U.S. or Canadian laws.

2.世界首例基因编辑婴儿world's first gene-edited babies

3.双胞胎女婴露露和娜娜a pair of twin baby girls, Lulu and Nana

4.对艾滋病毒免疫be immune to HIV

5.通过基因编辑改变人类胚胎make changes to human embryos with genetic editing

6.宣布辞去民主进步党主席的职务 resign as chairwoman of the Democratic Progressive Party

7.忽视许多团体的利益 ignore the interests of many groups

8.九二共识 1992 Consensus

9.迫使两岸关系陷入僵局 force the cross-Straits ties into a deadlock

10.不愿投票支持民进党候选人 be reluctant to vote for the DPP's candidates

11.巩固传统友谊,加强两国合作 consolidate traditional friendship and strengthen cooperation between the two countries

12.中西双方同舟共济、互利合作、共克时艰。 China worked together with Spain like passengers in the same boat to overcome difficulties through mutually beneficial cooperation.

13.提升两国全面战略伙伴关系水平 enhance the China-Spain comprehensive strategic partnership

14.夯实双边关系政治基础 strengthen the political foundation for bilateral ties

15.加强两国发展理念交流和战略对接 build greater synergy between our development visions and strategies

16.做好双边关系发展顶层设计make proper top-level planning for the growth of our relations

17.深化两国务实合作,拉紧双边关系利益纽带deepen practical cooperation and expand shared interests

18.扩大两国人文交流,厚植双边关系民意基础expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and build stronger public support for bilateral relations

19.密切两国国际合作,维护世界和平、稳定、繁荣strengthen cooperation in international affairs and uphold peace, stability and prosperity in the world

20.促销日 promotional day

21.成交额 transaction volume

22.大件产品 big-ticket items

23.对抗抑郁症 battle depression

24.电影在娱乐性、社会性和人性上实现平衡 make a balance among entertainment, the sociality, and the humanity of a film

25.感动了中国观众 touch the hearts of Chinese audiences

26.税单 tax bill

27.行政职业能力测验 administrative aptitude test

28.专业技能测试 professional skill test

29.进一步调查 further investigation

30. 国防 national defense

31.人类非物质文化遗产 Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity

32.关于生命健康和疾病预防、治疗的知识和实践 the knowledge and practices concerning life, health and illness prevention and treatment

33.体现了疾病预防和治疗的民间经验 embody the folk experience in disease prevention and treatment

34.代表了现代健康实践中传统藏医理论的继承和发展 represent an inheritance and development of the traditional Tibetan medicine theories in modern health practices

35.调整身心平衡 adjust the balance of mind and body

36.对藏族人民的日常生活产生重要影响 have an important bearing on the everyday life of people of the Tibetan ethnic group

37.联合国教科文组织The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

38.声音商标 sound trademark

39.大麻 marijuana

40.陈羽凡两项药物检测均呈阳性 Chen Yufan tested positive for both drugs.

41.取消了备受关注的演唱会 cancel a much-anticipated live concert

42.让朋友们失望 let down friends

43.创作歌手 singer-songwriter

44.火上浇油 add fuel to the fire

45.自由贸易试验区 pilot free trade zones (FTZs)

46.对中国经济的发展产生深远的影响 having a far-reaching impact over the development of the Chinese economy

47.成为全球资产管理中心 becoming a global asset management center

48.助推欠发达内陆地区发展,推动“一带一路”建设 promoting the country's undeveloped interior and facilitating the Belt and Road Initiative

49.国际物流的交汇点 a junction for international logistics

50.数字服务税digital services tax

