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发布日期 :2018-10-31 点击数:


1. 总体平稳,稳中有进态势 a trend of overall stability and steady progress


2. 下行压力增大 rising downward pressure


3. 在较为动荡的全球经济环境中 amid global fluctuations


4. 港珠澳大桥 the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge


5. 跳皮筋 rubber band skipping

6. 踢毽子 shuttlecock kicking

7. 跳房子 hopscotching

8. 滚铁环 iron ring pushing


9. 累进税制 progressive taxing mechanism


10. 专项附加扣除 special expense deductions

11. 个税改革 reform of personal income tax

12. 智能网联公交车 buses linked with intelligent networks


13. 海洋资源开发利用 marine resource exploitation and utilization

14. 全民健身的热潮 a nationwide fitness craze ​​​

15. 交谊舞 ballroom dancing ​​​

16. 通关 customs clearance

17. 游戏成瘾 game addiction

18. 流动人口 migrant population

19. 外地人 non-native

20. 医暴 violence against medical staff


21. 药品生产许可证 pharmaceutical production license


22. 行政处罚决定 administrative penalty decision


23. 科研攻关 tackle key problems in science and technology


24. 开放型经济新体制 new institutions of the open economy ​


25. 法治环境规范 sound legal environment


26. 金融创新 financial innovation

27. 差异化服务 differentiated services


28. 巨额罚款 a hefty fine


29. 积分落户制 a points-based household registration system


30. 家政服务 household management service ​


31. 最前沿的解决方案 cutting-edge solutions


32. 智能制造 intelligent manufacturing ​​

33. 模块化自动生产线 automated modular production line ​


34. 网贷 online loan


35. 校园贷 campus loan

36. 网络借贷平台 online lending platform

37. 高息贷款 high-interest loan

38. 贷款额度 loan amount

39. 不良贷款 non-performing loan(NPL)

40. 裸贷 nude loan

41. 轻罪 Misdemeanor

42. 重罪 felony

43. 犯罪生涯 a life of crime

44. 犯罪率 crime rate

45. 白领犯罪 white-collar crime

46. 犯罪现场 scene of the crime

47. 基本医保体系 basic health-care insurance system

48. 养老保险费率 pension insurance premium rate

49. 商业保险 commercial insurance

50. 养老保险 endowment insurance

