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发布日期 :2018-10-30 点击数:


1.定向降准 targeted RRR cut 26.外地人 Non-native

2.注入流动性 inject liquidity 27.近地轨道 Low-Earth orbit

3.货币政策工具 monetary policy tools 28.探月任务 lunar probe mission

4.公开市场操作 open market operation, OMO 29.月球表面 Moonscape

5.逆回购 reverse repurchase agreement, reverse repo 30.太空垃圾 space debris

6.阴阳合同 dual contract 31.载人空间站 manned space station

7.个人所得税 personal income tax 32.发射终止系统 launch abort system

8.劳务报酬 remuneration for personal service 33.加密术 encryption

9.收入分配 distribution of income 34. 侵入式搜身 invasive searches

10.逃税 tax evasion 35.一次性手机 burner phone

11.避税 tax avoidance 36.积分落户 point-based household registration

12.餐车 food trolley 37.人造月亮 Man-made moon

13.餐车车厢 dining carriage 38.种族歧视 racial discrimination

14.行李架 baggage storage 39.人生模拟游戏 life stimulation game

15.卧铺 sleeper 40.影视行业税收 tax payment in the film and TV industry

16.商务坐席 business seat 41.霸座 refuse to move after taking other people’s seats

17.一等座 first class seat 42. 紧急着陆(make an)emergency landing

18.医患关系 patient-doctor relation 43.数字搜身 digital strip searches

19.医暴 violence against medical staff 44.安全着陆 land safely

20. 医疗纠纷 medical dispute 45. 发射场 launch site

21.改善医疗服务 improve health care services 46.可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

22.门诊 outpatient service 47.助推火箭 booster rocket

23.常住人口 permanent population 48.强密码 strong password

24. 人口承载能力 population capacity 49.机密信息 confidential information

25.稳定就业 stable employment 50. 坐席 seat

