坚定理想信念 firm up ideals and beliefs
磨练坚强意志,锻炼强健体魄 train themselves to be both physically and mentally stronger
为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦时刻准备着 work to realize the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation
新一轮埃博拉疫情 a fresh outbreak of the Ebola virus disease
第10轮埃博拉疫情结束的倒计时阶段 a countdown to declare the end of the tenth Ebola epidemic
新病例卷土重来 new cases resurfacing
严重暴力犯罪 serious violent crimes
毒品犯罪 drug crimes
校园欺凌 school bullying
14至16周岁未成年人犯罪 crimes committed by minors between the ages of 14 to 16
聚众斗殴 brawl
寻衅滋事 affray
暴力伤害未成年人 violence against minors
黑恶犯罪 gang crimes
未成年人权益 minor's rights and interests
未成年人身心健康 physical and mental health of youngsters
社会主义民主 socialist democracy
中国特色社会主义法治体系 the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics
双重标准 double standard
国外制裁 foreign sanctions
国家安全的一个缺口 a weak link in national security
自由贸易港 free trade port
新亚欧大陆桥 the New Eurasian Land Bridge
中欧班列 the China-Europe Railway Express
陆海新通道 the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor
占道经营 roadside booths
马路市场 street markets
流动商贩 mobile vendors
夜间经济 nighttime economy
刺激国内需求 stimulate domestic demand
多边自由贸易体制 multilateral free trade system
刺激国内市场消费 spur domestic spending
抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国行动白皮书 a white paper on China's battle against COVID-19
中印边境冲突 China-India Border Clash the crash in the China-India Border
日全食 total solar eclipse
日偏食 partial solar eclipse
月球近地点 the lunar perigee
椭圆轨道 elliptical orbit
流星雨 meteor shower
月食 lunar eclipse
照顾到香港的高度自治和法律差异 take into account Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and legal differences
在维护国家安全和保障港人合法权利与自由两方面取得了最佳平衡 strike a perfect balance between safeguarding national security and protecting the legal rights and freedoms of the Hong Kong people
听取香港各界人士意见 contain opinions of various sectors in Hong Kong
堵塞香港法律漏洞 plug loopholes in Hong Kong's legal system
境外宗教极端主义渗透 penetration of religious extremism from abroad
尊重中国司法主权 respect China's judicial sovereignty
北斗全球卫星导航系统 the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)
全天候、全天时、高精度的定位 all-time, all-weather and high-accuracy positioning
导航和授时服务 navigation and timing services
载人空间站 manned space station
助推火箭 booster rocket
运载火箭 carrier rocket
卫星导航satellite navigation
海洋观测卫星 ocean observation satellite
组成我国首个海洋民用业务卫星星座 form China's first satellite constellation for marine civil services
观测海洋水色 observe ocean color
海岸带资源 coastal resources
表面温度 surface temperature
海洋灾害 marine disaster
卫星发射中心 satellite launch center