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发布日期 :2021-09-30 点击数:

1. “双减” (减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担)ease the burden of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education

2. 国家新闻出版署China's National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA)

3. 留守儿童left-behind children

4. 网络游戏online gaming

5. 未成年玩家underage gamer

6. 网络文明建设building of civilized and well-regulated cyberspace

7. 网络治理cyberspace governance

8. 未成年人权益minor's rights and interests

9. 未成年人身心健康physical and mental health of youngsters

10. 防沉迷系统anti-addiction system

11. 非法弹窗广告illegal pop-up ads

12. 实名注册real-name registration

13. 加强思想政治引领strengthen theoretical and political guidance

14. 教育督导问责education inspection and accountability

15. 行政处罚administrative punishment

16. 高质量教育体系high-quality education system

17. 义务教育质量评价evaluation of compulsory education quality

18. 为党育人、为国育才cultivate talent for the Party and the State

19. 超纲教学 teaching beyond the syllabus

20. 招生对象enrollment targets

21. 课外活动extracurricular activities

22. 民办学校private school

23. 教书育人impart knowledge and cultivate people

24. 促进人的全面发展promote well-rounded human development

25. 校外off-campus

26. 学科类培训服务curriculum-subject tutoring services

27. 课外活动extracurricular activities

28. 基础教育basic education

29. 国家励志奖学金national endeavor scholarship

30. 国家助学金national grant

31. 国家助学贷款national student loans

32. 新生入学资助tuition assistance for freshmen

33. 国家奖学金national scholarship

34. 助学贷款额度the loan ceilings for students

35. 公费教育government-paid education

36. 生活费补助subsidies for daily expenses

37. 免息贷款interest-free loans

38. 信用贷credit loans

39. 勤工助学part-time jobs for students

40. 学费减免tuition reduction or exemption

41. 饭圈fans groups

42. 偶像养成节目idol-making programs

43. 阴阳合同dual contract

44. 真人秀reality show

45. 偷逃税tax evasion

46. 劣迹艺人tainted entertainers

47. 职业道德professional ethics

48. 德艺双馨pursue both professional excellence and moral integrity

49. 经纪公司talent agencies

50. 文娱领域综合治理rectify irregularities in entertainment industry

51. 中央宣传部the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee

52. 中央网信办the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

53. 流量至上excessive focus on viewership

54. 杭州2022年第19届亚运会会徽the emblem for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022

55. 亚奥理事会the Olympic Council of Asia

56. 《国家人权行动计划(2021-2025年)》Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025)

57. 尊重和保障人权 respect for and protection of human rights

58. 生存权、发展权the rights to subsistence and development

59. 全体人民的自由全面共同发展the free, well-rounded and common development of all individuals

60. 全球人权治理global human rights governance

