1. 党的全国代表大会The National Congress of the Party
2. 中央委员会Central Committee
3. 中央委员会总书记General Secretary of the Central Committee
4. 中央委员Members of the Central Committee
5. 中央候补委员Alternate members of the Central Committee
6. 中央政治局常务委员会Standing Committee of the Political Bureau
7. 中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee
8. 中央军事委员会Military Commission of the Central Committee
9. 中央纪律检查委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
10. 中央书记处Secretariat of the Central Committee
11. 党的地方代表大会local Party congress
12. 地方党委CPC Local Committees
13. 中共省(自治区、直辖市)委员会(省委)Provincial (aut. regional, municipality) committees of the CPC
14. 中共市委员会(市委)City Committee of the CPC
15. 中共地区(自治州)委员会(地委)Prefectural (aut. prefectural) committees of the CPC
16. 中共县委员会(县委)County committee of the CPC
17. 中共市委员会(市委)City Committee of the CPC
18. 中共区委员会(区委)District committee of the CPC
19. 中国共产党the Communist Party of China (CPC)
20. 党员members of the Communist Party of China
21. 中国工人阶级Chinese working class
22. 党章Party Constitution
23. 中国共产主义青年团the Communist Youth League of China
24. 先锋队vanguard
25. 中国人民解放军Chinese People's Liberation Army
26. 党的纪律Party discipline
27. 申请入党者applicant for Party membership
28. 预备党员probationary Party member
29. 入党宣誓take an admission oath
30. 正式党员full Party member
31. 交党费pay membership
32. 党支部Party branch
33. 党组织Party cell
34. 党员领导干部Party cadres
35. 民主生活会democratic meetings
36. 党龄a Party standing of ... years37. 党徽党旗Party Emblem and Flag
38. 减少能源消耗reduce energy consumption
39. 鼓励人们拼车encourage people to carpool
40. 电力地图power map
41. 导致停电lead to blackouts
42. 收回;恢复;偿还;扣除recoup
43. 甲烷气体;沼气methane gas
44. 一氧化二氮nitrous oxide
45. 出口创汇来源export earner
46. 化石燃料开采fossil fuel extraction
47. 民用基础设施civilian infrastructure
48. 蓄意破坏的行为an act of sabotage
49. 极为严重的生态破坏significant ecological damage
50. 加速冰冻圈的融化accelerate melting of the cryosphere