七一勋章the July 1st Medal
共和国勋章the Medal of the Republic
团结协作solidarity and coordination
上合组织宪章SCO Charter
核心利益和重大关切core interests and major concerns
适航证明airworthiness certificates
窄体客机narrow-body passenger plane
支线客机regional passenger jet
共同安全common security
人道主义援助humanitarian aid
核不扩散条约Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
海洋可持续发展sustainable marine development
21世纪海上丝绸之路the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road
海洋传统产业 traditional marine industry
京雄城际铁路Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway
城市集群city cluster
城市一体化 urban integration
农村人居环境rural living environment
交通强国a country with strong transportation network
长征四号乙运运载火箭Long March-4B rocket
卫星发射中心satellite launch center
森林碳汇forest carbon sinks
生猪产能hog production
水产品aquatic products
合理区间reasonable range
神州十四号载人飞船Shenzhou-14 crewed spaceship
太空探索space exploration
海洋强国maritime power
预警系统warning system
户外作业work outdoors
气象灾害meteorological disaster
长征系列运载火箭Long March series carrier rockets
遥感remote sensing
卫星发射中心satellite launch center
铁路枢纽客站passenger railway hub
客户运输服务passenger and freight services
国民教育体系national education system
新闻发布会press conference
实事求是seek truth from facts
勇往直前march forward courageously
国家治理national governance
志愿精神the spirit of volunteers
职业道德professional ethics
全球工商界global business community
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP)
户外公共空间outdoor public spaces
牢记使命stick to the mission