生态保护红线ecological conservation red lines
生物多样性biological diversity
生物科技创新biotechnological innovation
胚胎组织placental tissue
海底电缆submarine cables
海平面sea level
高素质技术技能人才high-quality technical professionals
南水北调工程South-to-North Water Diversion Project
弘扬精益求精的工匠精神carry forward craftsmanship with the pursuit of excellence
跨学科研究interdisciplinary research
星际探测interplanetary exploration
草方格grass grids
财政收支revenue and expenditure
统计公报statistical bulletin
货币篮子currency basket
数据公开data disclosure
覆盖全民的社会保障体系the social security system covering the entire population
国家社会保险公共服务平台national online platform for social insurance
海洋开发和保护ocean development and protection
构建海洋命运共同体build maritime community with shared future
载人航天精神the spirit of China’s manned space program
载人空间站manned space station
空间实验室space lab
民族复兴national rejuvenation
就业优先政策pro-employment policies
线上招聘会online recruiting events
校园招聘服务campus recruitment services
外贸新业态new forms and models of foreign trade
素质教育quality education
职业培训vocational training
基因工程genetic engineering
五四青年节China’s Youth Day
中国共青团Communist Youth League of China
保供稳价ensure stable supplies and prices
促进经济运行在合理区间promote economic growth to a reasonable range
评估风险assess risks
生物科技创新biotechnological innovation
中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation
流动沙漠shifting-sand desert
太阳能面板solar panels
探月精神the lunar exploration spirit
交会对接rendezvous and docking
书香社会a nation of avid readers
物资中转调运站material transfer stations
实体经济real economy
日均贸易average daily turnover
商检局commodity inspection bureau
世界开放指数World Openness Index