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发布日期 :2023-10-05 点击数:


1. 广式月饼Cantonese-style Mooncake

2. 流心奶黄月饼Lava Egg Custard Mooncake

3. 莲蓉双黄月饼Mooncake with Double Yolks and Lotus Seed Paste

4. 细沙月饼Red Bean Paste Mooncake

5. 枣泥核桃月饼Date Paste and Walnut Mooncake

6. 松仁黑麻月饼Mooncake with Black Sesame Paste and Pine Nuts

7. 粒粒香芋月饼Taro Mooncake

8. 高纤椰蓉月饼Coconut Mooncake

9. 五仁叉烧月饼Five Kernel and Roast Pork Mooncake

10. 栗子竹炭月饼Charcoal Skin Mooncake with Chestnut Filling

11. 巧克力流心月饼Molten Chocolate Mooncake

12. 五仁月饼Five Kernel Mooncake

13. 苏式月饼Suzhou Style Mooncake

14. 苏式鲜肉月饼Suzhou Style Savory Mooncake with Pork Filling

15. 椒盐月饼Pepper and Salt Mooncake

16. 小龙虾月饼Spicy Crayfish Mooncake

17. 芝士大虾鲜肉月饼Mooncake with Cheese, Shrimp and Minced Pork

18. 榨菜鲜肉月饼Pork and Mustard Tuber mooncake

19. 腌笃鲜月饼Fresh baked mooncake with pork, bacon and bamboo shoots

20. 酸菜牛蛙月饼Mooncake with Pickled Cabbage and Bullfrog Meat

21. 京式月饼Beijing Style Mooncake

22. 京式自来红月饼Beijing Brown Skin Mooncake

23. 山楂翻毛月饼 “Furry” Mooncake with Hawthorn Jelly

24. 冰皮月饼Snow Skin Mooncake

25. 冰皮香柚月饼Snow Skin Pomelo Mooncake

26. 榴莲冰皮月饼Snow Skin Durian Mooncake

27. 滇式云腿月饼Yunnan Style Ham Mooncake

28. 潮式绿豆蓉月饼Teochew Style Mung Bean Mooncake

29. 凤梨月饼Pineapple Mooncake

30. 新式月饼New style Mooncake

31. 巧克力脆皮冰激凌月饼Ice Cream Mooncake with Crunchy Chocolate Crust

32. 抹茶红豆月饼Mooncake with Matcha Paste and Red Beans

33. 紫薯山药月饼Yam and Purple Sweet Potato Paste Mooncake

34. 乳酪月饼Cream Cheese Mooncake

35. 焦糖咖啡月饼Caramel Lava and Coffee Mooncake

36. 水果月饼Fruits mooncake

37. 糯米粉Glutinous rice powder

38. 粘米粉Short grain rice powder

39. 小麦澄粉Wheat starch

40. 细砂糖Caster sugar

41. 炼乳Sweetened condensed milk

42. 淡奶Unsweetened condensed milk

43. 白油Shortening

44. 可可粉Unsweetened cacao powder

45. 抹茶粉Matcha green tea powder

46. 豆沙馅Bean paste

47. 月饼馅fillings

48. 酥皮flaky crust

49. 冰皮snow skin

50. 奶油皮cream cheese

