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发布日期 :2023-09-05 点击数:


1. 大宗消费 spending on big-ticket items

2. 绿色消费 green consumption

3. 可再生能源装机容量 installed capacity of renewable energy

4. 绿色转型 green transition

5. 生物质发电 biomass power

6. 光伏发电 photovoltaic power

7. 文物保护利用 protection and utilization of cultural relics

8. 古籍保护 preservation of ancient books

9. 文化遗产 cultural heritage

10. 环保产业 environmental protection sector

11. 绿色经济 green economy

12. 生态修复 ecological restoration

13. 成都大运会闭幕式 the closing ceremony of the Chengdu FISU World University Games

14. 世界大学生运动会运动员村 FISU World University Games Village

15. 全民健身日 National Fitness Day

16. 2023中国—东盟周 ASEAN-China Week 2023

17. 中国东盟全面战略伙伴关系 China-ASEAN Comprehensive Strategic Partnership

18. 周边外交 neighborhood diplomacy

19. 洪水防御应急响应级别 flood response level

20. 蓄滞洪区 flood storage areas

21. 防汛救灾工作 flood prevention and disaster relief work

22. 灾后恢复重建 post-disaster recovery and reconstruction

23. 地质灾害 geological disasters

24. 财政部 the Ministry of Finance

25. 水利部 the Ministry of Water Resources

26. 水利设施 water conservancy facilities

27. 渤海 the Bohai Sea

28. 应急响应 emergency response

29. 辽东半岛 the Liaodong Peninsula

30. 人民生命和财产安全 the safety of the people's lives and properties

31. 中央气象台 the National Meteorological Center (NMC)

32. 台风卡努 Typhoon Khanun

33. 台风蓝色预警 blue alert for Typhoon

34. 加盟门店 franchise store

35. 国内消费者 domestic consumers

36. 高水平自由贸易港 high-level free-trade port

37. 总体规划 master plan

38. 打折促销活动 discount promotions

39. 国际免税购物节 international duty-free shopping festival

40. 离岛免税销售金额 total offshore duty-free sales

41. 性侵 sexual assault

42. 家庭暴力 domestic violence

43. 性骚扰 sexual harassment

44. 民事责任 civil liability

45. 刑事责任 criminal liability

46. 妇女联合会 women’s federation

47. 离婚诉讼 divorce lawsuit

48. 人身安全保护令 personal safety protection order

49. 民事诉讼 civil litigation

50. 欧洲央行 the European Central Bank (ECB)

