1. 虚拟网络virtual net
2. 网友net partner
3. 文化传承发展cultural inheritance and development
4. 社会主义文化强国a country with a strong socialist culture
5. 住房保障体系the housing support system
6. 城镇老旧小区改造renovation of old urban residential communities
7. 改善人居环境improve the living environment
8. 促进两岸交流合作facilitate cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation
9. 坚决反对“台独”分裂行径resolutely oppose separatist activities aimed at “Taiwan independence”
10. 现代物流modern logistics
11. 水利工程water conservancy projects
12. 交通强国a country with great transport strength
13. 跨海高铁sea-crossing high-speed railway
14. 交通主干线main traffic lines
15. 国际旅客列车cross-border passenger train
16. 服务业扩大开放综合示范区the national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the service sector
17. 自由贸易试验区pilot free trade areas
18. 流通体系the logistics system
19. 新发展格局the new development pattern
20. 根深蒂固to be deeply ingrained
21. 本土文化indigenous culture
22. 充换电基础设施a charging and swapping infrastructure system
23. 优惠政策preferential policies
24. 上市公司listed companies
25. 股市的疲软表现the sluggish performance of the stock market
26. 中国—非洲经贸博览会China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo
27. 国际组织 international organization
28. 经贸合作 economic and trade cooperation
29. 数字孪生智能科研试验船 intelligent research vessel with digital twin system
30. 世界科技强国 world leader in science and technology
31. 人类共同科学挑战 common human scientific challenges
32. 科学技术普及 popularization of science and technology
33. 世界机器人大会World Robot Conference
34. 机器人技术 robot technology
35. 脑机接口 brain-computer interface
36. 人机协作 man-machine cooperation
37. 数字化转型领域合作 cooperation in digital transformation
38. 数字中国 digital China
39. 数字基础设施 digital infrastructure
40. 数字经济 digital economy
41. 国家级医疗应急工作专家组national-level expert medical emergency response teams
42. 医疗卫生服务 medical and health service
43. 应急响应体系 emergency response system
44. 私募投资基金监督管理条例regulation on the supervision and administration of private investment funds
45. 金融标准化 financial standardization
46. 绿色金融 green finance
47. 高标准农田 high-standard farmland
48. 农业农村现代化 modernization of agriculture and rural areas
49. 杂交水稻 hybrid rice
50. 粮食安全 food security