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发布日期 :2023-05-25 点击数:


1. 美元荒dollar squeeze

2. 涟漪效应ripple effect

3. 文明多样性diversity of civilizations

4. 人文交流people-to-people exchanges

5. 全球文明倡议Global Civilization Initiative

6. 尖端技术cutting-edge technologies

7. 结构升级structural upgrading

8. 制造业创新中心manufacturing innovation center

9. 现代化方向的人民性modernization is people-centered

10. 守正创新uphold fundamental principles and break new ground

11. 现代化成果的普惠性all can enjoy the outcomes of modernization

12. 奋发有为姿态forge ahead with enterprise

13. 全球产业链global industrial chains

14. 绿色转型green transition

15. 中国发展高层论坛China Development Forum (CDF)

16. 贸易顺差 trade surplus

17. 贸易逆差trade deficit

18. 中国货物贸易China's foreign trade of goods

19. 服务贸易领城市场准入market access in trade in services

20. 互联网医疗internet medical service

21. 医疗环境healthcare environment

22. 爱国卫生运动patriotic health campaigns

23. 医疗卫生服务medical and health service

24. 世界经济展望global economic outlook

25. 产业供应链industrial and supply chain

26. 融合集群发展the integrated and clustered development

27. 战略性新兴产业strategic emerging industries

28. 高端装备high-end equipment29. 基因研究gene research

30. 天宫空间站Tiangong space station

31. 星际探测interplanetary exploration

32. 被卷入争议to be embroiled in a controversy

33. 资深调查记者veteran investigative journalist

34. 因赌博而欠债be in debt for gambling

35. 敲诈勒索extortion

36. 虚假信息disinformation

37. 诽谤slander

38. 一日游one-day sightseeing tour

39. 游乐园amusement park

40. 宣布恢复外交关系to announce the resumption of diplomatic ties

41. 斡旋mediation

42. 联合声明joint statement

43. 冷战思维Cold War mindset

44. 地缘政治竞争geopolitical competition

45. 缓解紧张局势to deescalate tensions

46. 加剧紧张关系to escalate tensions

47. 植被覆盖vegetation coverage

48. 大型户外游乐设施major outdoor amusement facilities

49. 低能见度poor visibility

50. 能源绿色低碳转型 green-oriented transition of energy

