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发布日期 :2023-05-25 点击数:


1. 解除口罩令scrape mask mandate

2. 促进经济复苏boost economic recovery

3. 视觉隐喻visual metaphor

4. 发展动力development momentum

5. 社交距离social distance

6. 呼吸系统疾病respiratory disease

7. 流行性感冒influenza

8. 政府工作报告Government Work Report

9. 全国人大National People’s Congress

10. 全国政协National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

11. 全过程人民民主whole-process people’s democracy

12. 个人养老金private pension

13. 人口老龄化population aging

14. 国家老年大学The Seniors University of China(SUC)

15. 两会two sessions

16. 分组讨论group discussion /panel discussion

17. 人大代表议案a motion to the National People’s Congress/an NPC motion

18. 政协委员提案a proposal to the CPPCC National Committee

19. 应急管理体系emergency response system

20. 风险联合会商研判joint consultation and assessment of risks

21. 安全生产work safety

22. 统筹发展和安全ensure both development and safety

23. 平安中国建设Peaceful China initiative

24. 天问一号火星探测器Tianwen-1 Mars probe

25. 嫦娥五号探月任务Chang’e 5 lunar mission

26. 梦天实验舱Mengtian space lab module

27. 瞬息全宇宙Everything Everywhere All at Once

28. 声名鹊起rise to fame

29. 创造历史make history

30. 非常高兴be over the moon

31. 希望的灯塔a beacon of hope

32. 大制作动作电影big-budget action movies

33. 平行宇宙parallel universe

34. 助人一臂之力give sb a leg up

35. 启发shed light on36. 创新、协调、绿色开放、共享的新发展理念new philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development

37. 森林覆盖率forest coverage rate

38. 生态环境保护修复protect and restore the ecological environment

39. 网络法治建设law-based cyberspace governance

40. 严密的监督体系stringent supervision system

41. 网络立法cyber legislation

42. 多元法律主体diverse legal subjects

43. 硅谷银行Silicon Valley Bank

44. 低价抛售a fire sale

45. 支撑shore up

46. 资产负债表balance sheet

47. 有转折性的一年a watershed year

48. 利率上涨interest rate hike

49. 世界格局 international landscape

50. 国际事务 international affairs

