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发布日期 :2023-04-25 点击数:



1. 党章party constitution

2. 二十大the 20th CPC National Congress

3. 中国式现代化Chinese path to modernization; Chinese modernization

4. 电子烟e-cigarette

5. 丝路电商Silk Road E-Commerce

6. 节能減排energy conservation and emission reduction

7. 供销合作社supply and marketing cooperative

8. 集中带量购买centralized volume-based procurement

9. 黑土地保护法law on black soil conservation

10. 一帆风顺 plain sailing

11. 集思广益 draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas; draw upon all useful opinions

12. 社会公平正义 social equality and justice; social fairness and justice

13. 农村危房 dilapidated houses in the countryside

14. 新发展理念 new development philosophy

15. 快闪广告/弹窗广告pop-up ads

16. 就业优先政策 Pro-employment policy

17. 吃播 Mukbang

18. 快递公司 courier company:

19. 海上风电场 off-shore wind farm:

20. 两弹一星精神 The spirit of "Two Bombs and One Satellite"

21. 风清气正的网络空间 a clean and upright cyberspace

22. 中国特色大国外交 major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics

23. 创新产业集群:Innovation industry cluster

24. 享乐主义 hedonism

25. 厚德载物 Great virtue promotes growth

26. 周一综合症(指周末休假后周一不想上班或上学) Monday Morning Feeling

27. 胡说 malarkey

28. 爆料 tip off

29. 电商直播 Live commerce

30. 国歌 national anthem

31. 走红go viral

32. 遮羞布 A fig leaf

33. 过境免签政策 visa-free

34. 能源绿色低碳转型 green-oriented transition of energy

35. 绿色低碳循环发展经济体系 green and low-carbon circular economic development system

36. 真正的多边主义 true multilateralism

37. 全球治理体系变革 reforms of the global governance system

38. 城镇老旧小区改造 renovation of old urban residential communities

39. 中轴线保护 Central Axis protection

40. 文物保护利用 protection and utilization of cultural relics

41. 互利共赢原则 the principle of pursuing shared benefits and win-win cooperation

42. 数字化教育转型 digital education transformation

43. 数字学习资源 digital learning resources

44. 师生数字素养 digital literacy of teachers and students

45. 超前消费 Well-excessive consumption

46. 线上招聘会 online recruiting events

47. 校园招聘服务 campus recruitment services

48. 尖端技术 cutting-edge technologies

49. 科学技术普及 popularization of science and technology

50. 乡村医疗卫生体系 rural medical and healthcare system

