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发布日期 :2022-12-05 点击数:


1. 生物制药 bio-medicine

2. 校园招聘服务 campus recruitment services

3. 数字转型 digital transformation

4. 社会治理 social governance

5. 开放共享的数据资源系统 open and shared data resource system

6. 核心竞争力 core competitiveness

7. 附加值 added value

8. 产业链 industrial chains

9. 发展数字经济自主权 autonomy of developing the digital economy

10. 数字经济治理体系 governance system of the digital economy

11. 数字鸿沟 digital divide

12. 通关便利化 customs clearance facilitation

13. 周边外交 neighborhood diplomacy

14. 失职失责 dereliction of duty

15. 整改 to rectify

16. 开展全面排查 to launch an overhaul

17. 教辅 supplementary materials

18. 课外读物 extra curricular reading materials

19. 对口援助 pairing-up support

20. 深层次问题 deep-seated problems

21. 挑拨离间 to sow discord

22. 炒作 to hype up

23. 支持措施 supporting measures

24. 促进人口长期均衡发展 to promote balanced long-term population development

25. 产假 maternity leave

26. 生育支持 prenatal and postnatal support

27. 构建生育友好的职场环境 the fostering of fertility-friendly workplaces

28. 搜查令 search warrant

29. 知识密集型服务贸易 knowledge-intensive services trade

30. 科学技术普及 popularization of science and technology

31. 世界科技强国 world leader in science and technology

32. 科研成果转化 commercialization of scientific research findings

33. 科技创新生态 ecosystem for sci-tech innovation

34. 长江保护修复 protection and restoration of the Yangtze River

35. 长江保护法 Yangtze River Protection Law

36. 长江经济带 Yangtze River Economic Belt

37. 基本养老保险 basic old-age insurance

38. 失业保险 unemployment insurance

39. 工伤保险 work-related injury insurance

40. 智能化科技成果 intelligent technology achievements

41. 全球生物多样性保护 global biodiversity conservation

42. 联合国生物多样性公约 UN Convention on Biological Diversity

43. 全球生物多样性治理 global biodiversity governance

44. 疫苗监管体系 vaccine regulatory system

45. 全过程监管 whole-process supervision

46. 新冠疫苗知识产权豁免 COVID-19 vaccine patent waiver

47. 食品药品安全 food and drug safety

48. 知识产权归属 intellectual property (IP) ownership

49. 批发市场 wholesale market

50. 人才交流 talents exchange

