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发布日期 :2022-11-05 点击数:



1. 慌慌张张 be in a fluster

2. 突如其来 come unexpectedly

3. 持之以恒 in a persistent way

4. 深信不疑 believe without a shadow of doubt

5. 马马虎虎 palter with something

6. 发牢骚 blow off steam

7. 旗鼓相当 be well matched(in strength or skill)

8. 猝不及防 be caught off guard

9. 担惊受怕 feel alarmed

10. 牢不可破 be unbreakable/indestructible/impregnable

11. 学以致用 put into practice what one has learned

12. 笑逐颜开 beam with joy/smiles/delight

13. 一尘不染 remain unaffected

14. 原封不动 be left intact

15. 含苞待放 in bud

16. 心领神会 readily take a hint

17. 和盘托出 hold nothing back

18. 自相矛盾 be self-contradictory

19. 迎难而上 brave difficulties,grasp the nettle

20. 朝气蓬勃 be full of vigour and vitality

21. 弄巧成拙 outsmart oneself

22. 争强好胜 eager to compete

23. 鸡毛蒜皮 trivial matters

24. 格格不入 be out of line/step with

25. 小题大做 make an issue out of something

26. 马不停蹄 without a single halt

27. 深思熟虑 call for deep thought

28. 形影不离 keep each other's company all the time

29. 众望所归 be in favor with the general public

30. 顺水推舟 make use of an opportunity to achieve one's end

31. 深谋远虑 have foresight

32. 甘拜下风 bow to somebody’s superiority

33. 不速之客 unwelcome visitor

34. 随机应变 rise to the occasion

35. 万念俱灰 abandon oneself to despair

36. 有求必应 grant whatever is requested

37. 以偏概全 take a part for the whole

38. 一鼓作气 get something done in one go

39. 多此一举 make an unnecessary move

40. 迫不得已 have no alternative but to

41. 独当一面 be on one’s own

42. 实事求是 be practical and realistic

43. 任劳任怨 bear responsibility without any grudge

44. 一知半解 have a smattering of knowledge

45. 勇往直前 march forward courageously

46. 心心念念 set one’s heart on something

47. 雨过天晴 after a storm comes a calm

48. 精益求精 constantly perfect one's skill

49. 千方百计 make every attempt

50. 真才实学 competent and well-trained

