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发布日期 :2017-08-28 点击数:


1. 信息消费(information consumption)


China will bolster information consumption in the next few years as part of an effort to stimulate domestic demand and shore up economic growth.


信息消费(information consumption)

释放内需潜力(unleash the potential of domestic demand)

经济发展内生动力(internal impetus to economic development)

创新最活跃、增长最迅猛、辐射最广泛的经济领域(most innovative, rapidly-growing and widely-adopted economic sphere)

拉动内需、促进就业和引领产业升级(drive domestic demand, boost employment and push forward industrial upgrades)

信息技术(information technology, IT)

拉动相关产业产出(boost the output of related industries)

惠及广大人民群众(benefit the masses)


拓展光纤(fiber optic)

启动5G网络商用(commercialization of 5G network, put 5G network into commercial use)

普遍服务(universal service)

信息接入能力(information accessibility)

信息终端(information terminal)


信息时代 information era/age

信息爆炸 information explosion

信息管理 information management

信息检索 information retrieval

信息产品和服务 information products and services

2. 混改方案(mixed-ownership reform plan)


The $11.7b mixed ownership reform plan of China Unicom, the country's second-largest mobile carrier, has been approved by the country's securities authority, causing shares of its two listed units to skyrocket on Monday.


混合所有制改革方案(mixed ownership reform plan)

(一批)国有和民营投资者(State and private investors)

寻求用民间资本为国有集团注入活力(seek to revitalize the State-owned group with private capital)

根据市场导向原则进一步优化公司治理结构(further optimize its corporate governance structure in accordance with the market-oriented principles)

深化国企改革(deepen the reform of State-owned enterprises)

未来国企改革的标杆(model for future SOE reforms)

互联网热(internet frenzy)


老股转让 transfer old stocks

战略投资者 strategic investor

投资者持股 investors' shareholdings

给予员工股权激励 grant employee incentive shares

3. 科技富豪(tech billionaire)


Forbes has put out its annual Richest In Tech list for 2017. The names on the list won't surprise you but what's shocking is that these 100 tech billionaires have a combined net worth of $1.08 trillion.


科技富豪榜(Richest In Tech list)

科技富豪(tech billionaire/multi-millionaire)

跨过1万亿美元大关(cross the $1 trillion mark)

占榜单总人数的约1/3(make up one-thirds of the list)

性别失衡(gender imbalance)

打破玻璃天花板(shatter the glass ceiling)

科技业是最能"造富"行业(technology is the industry that creates most billionaires)

电商(e-commerce)和社交媒体(social media)

马太效应(Matthew Effect)

用户最多、市场份额最大的互联网公司(internet companies that have the most users and largest market share)

新兴富豪(newly rich)


积累个人财富 build personal wealth

白手起家的富豪 self-made billionaire

快速扩张 expand by leaps and bounds

非凡的业绩 stellar performance

4. 无人机相关专业(majors in drone studies)


Many of China's universities and vocational schools are now offering majors in drone studies to train talents in a rapidly growing industry.


无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle, drone)

形成了设计、制造和销售无人机的整体产业链(form an industrial chain to design, manufacture and sell the drones)

军事行动(military operation)、航拍(aerial photography)、快递(delivery services)、赈灾(disaster relief)以及数据采集(data collection)

开设课程(set up courses)

培养无人机科研和管理领域的专业人才(cultivate talents in the scientific research and management of drones)

开发创新功能(develop innovative functions)

鼓励学生参加实践活动(participate in hands-on activities)


起飞 take off

急转弯 make sharp turns

无人机袭击 drone attack

指定的飞行路径 prescribed flight path

5. 抗生素(antibiotic)


China is omitted from a list of countries in which McDonald's Corp is aiming to eliminate the use of important human antibiotics in its broiler chickens by Jan 2018 because of the different laws and agricultural conditions there, the fast-food giant said on Thursday.


快餐巨头(fast-food giant)

肉鸡供应商(supplier of its broiler chickens)

人类抗生素(human antibiotics)


抗生素的常规化使用(routine use of antibiotics)

耐抗生素超级细菌感染(antibiotic-resistant superbug infections)

滥用抗生素(antibiotic abuse/overuse/misuse)

停用(phase out)

人类药物(human medicine)

最高优先级的重要抗菌药物(highest priority critically important antimicrobials, HPCIA)


奶牛和蛋鸡(dairy cows and laying hens)

可持续发展(sustainable development)

禽类饲养(poultry breeding)

在兽医的指导下用药(conduct medication under the guidance of veterinarians)


严格遵守中国相关法律法规(strictly comply with relevant Chinese laws and regulations)

相对的概念(relative concept)

饲料添加剂(feed additive)

准用的抗生素(approved antibiotics)

有严格的规定(have strict rules)

停药期(withdrawal time)


抗生素残留 antibiotic residue

抗生素治疗 antibiotic treatment

耐抗生素细菌 antibiotic-resistant bacteria

耐药性 drug resistance

全球性的健康危机 global health crisis

食品安全 food safety

