1.生态红线 ecological red line
China has issued a guideline calling for an "ecological red line" around areas where development is prohibited, with the nationwide initiative expected to be completed by 2020, the central government said in a statement on Tuesday.
生态红线是指在生态空间(ecospace)范围内具有特殊重要生态功能、必须强制性严格保护的区域,是保障和维护国家生态安全(safeguard national ecological security)的底线(bottom line)和生命线,通常包括具有重要水源涵养、生物多样性维护(maintain biodiversity)、水土保持(water and soil conservation)、防风固沙(wind prevention and sand fixation)、海岸生态稳定等功能的生态功能重要区域,以及水土流失(water and soil losses)、土壤侵蚀、土地沙化、盐渍化(soil erosion, desertification and salinization)等生态环境敏感脆弱区域(ecologically fragile zones)。
2.第三卫生间 gender-neutral bathroom
China National Tourism Administration has urged the country's 5A-class scenic spots to install gender-neutral bathrooms.
第三卫生间也被称为"中性卫生间",有别于现有公厕(public toilet/restroom)的男女分区设置,有独立的出入口,其用途主要为方便父母带异性的孩子、子女带异性的年迈父母(parents with young children of different genders and children with elderly parents of different genders)外出时照顾其如厕。在发达国家的景区、交通枢纽(transportation hub)和商业中心,第三卫生间已成为标配。旅游厕所革命工作推进这两年,国内不少景区、公共场合(public places)已经设置了第三卫生间。
3.留存指纹 fingerprint
China will fingerprint foreigners when they enter the country, the Ministry of Public Security said in a statement Thursday.
为加强出入境管理(strengthen entry and exit control),根据《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》有关规定,经国务院批准,公安部决定对入境外国人留存指纹(fingerprint foreigners entering China, collect and store the fingerprints of foreigners coming into the country)等人体生物识别信息(biometric information)。根据公安部发布的通知,2017年,中国边检机关(border control authorities)将分批在全国对外开放口岸(port)对入境中国的14(含)至70(含)周岁外国人留存指纹,持外交护照或有对等互惠安排等情形的外国人可以免留指纹(those holding diplomatic passports or under reciprocal conditions are exempted from providing fingerprints)。今起将在深圳机场等口岸开展试点,其后陆续推广实施。
4.网游宵禁 online game curfew
The draft regulation on the online protection of minors, released for public opinions by the cyberspace authorities, stipulated an online game curfew for the minors, which has drawn wide public concern.
6日,国务院法制办《未成年人网络保护条例》送审稿公开征求意见截止。送审稿要求,网络游戏服务提供者(online game service provider)应当要求网络游戏用户(online game player)提供真实身份信息(provide real ID information)进行注册,有效识别未成年人用户,并妥善保存用户注册信息(registration information);应当采取技术措施(take technological measures),禁止未成年人接触不适宜其接触的游戏或游戏功能,限制未成年人连续使用游戏时间和单日累计游戏时间(limit minors' continuous play time and accumulated play time each day),禁止未成年人每日0时至8时使用网络游戏服务(minors should be forbidden from using online game services from midnight to 8 am every day)。这一要求被网友称为"网游宵禁(online game curfew)"。
5.入境禁令 travel ban
A three-judge federal appeals panel on Thursday unanimously refused to reinstate US President Donald Trump's targeted travel ban.
这是上诉法院(appeals court)就该入境禁令(travel ban)给出的首个判决(the first ruling),是特朗普为兑现竞选承诺(make good on a campaign promise)、收紧入境美国标准(tighten the standards for entry into the US)而采取的行动所受到的最新、最沉重的司法打击(the latest and most stinging judicial rebuke)。这一裁定意味着来自7个以穆斯林人口为主的国家的移民和难民(immigrants and refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries)仍可继续入境美国。裁决公布后不久,特朗普在社交媒体上发推(tweet on social media)称:"法庭见,我们国家的安全正受到威胁(see you in court, the security of our nation is at stake)!"这意味着美国政府将向最高法院提起上诉(appeal to the Supreme Court)。
1月27日,特朗普签署的行政命令(executive order)规定,美国将在120天内暂停所有难民入境(impose a 120-day halt on all refugees);在90天内暂停伊拉克、叙利亚、伊朗、利比亚、索马里、苏丹和也门公民进入美国(bar entry into the US by nationals of Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen for 90 days);无限期禁止叙利亚难民进入美国。"禁穆令(Muslim ban)"实施以来,引发全美多地大规模抗议(mass protests),还多次受到美国司法机构的挑战。
由于特朗普新提名的大法官尼尔·戈萨奇(Neil Gorsuch)尚未正式入职,按照目前美国最高法院4名保守派大法官和4名自由派大法官的结构,最高法院投票有可能出现4:4平局(a 4-to-4 tie)的局面。一旦出现这种情况,最高院将维持第九巡回上诉法院的判决(leave the Courts of Appeals for the 9th Circuit's ruling in place),这也就意味着特朗普入境禁令的终止。
6.出境游 outbound trip
A record 6.15m outbound trips were made by Chinese mainland tourists during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, according to the China National Tourism Administration. That is an increase of 7% compared with last year's Spring Festival. About 374,000 trips were organized by travel agencies.
据国家旅游局数据中心综合测算,2017年春节期间,全国共接待游客3.44亿人次(China saw 344m visitor trips),同比增长13.8%,实现旅游总收入(tourism revenue)4233亿元,同比增长15.9%。出境游(outbound trip, trip to overseas destinations)方面,散客(individual traveler)和自由行(independent travel)人数增加,高端游(high-end travel)人数增长迅速。出境市场从一线和沿海城市(first-tier and coastal cities)向内陆城市(inland cities)延伸。
7.空城 ghost town
China's major manufacturing hub Dongguan was rated China's top ghost town during the Spring Festival.
某互联网公司近日发布的大数据显示,春节期间,北上广深等一线城市,以及经济发达的珠三角、长三角地区(Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions)成为空城率最高的区域。全国空城率最高的十大城市(top 10 ghost towns)分别是东莞、佛山、广州、深圳、长沙、上海、苏州、北京、武汉、郑州。其中东莞有近七成的人口(nearly 70% of its population)离开,佛山、广州、深圳也有超过六成的人口离开。
8.即时退税 real-time tax refund
Chinese shoppers can now enjoy a real-time tax refund service via their mobile phones at three airports: Milan Malpensa, Munich and Helsinki, saving them weeks of waiting time if receiving refund by card.
近年来赴海外旅游的国人越来越多,海外购物消费数额庞大。退税(tax refund/rebate)政策能为出境购物的国人节省费用。一些国家和地区为鼓励境外游客消费,对在退税定点商店(designated tax refund store)购买的随身携运出境的物品实行退税政策。因为游客在购物时支付的金额包含了当地的增值税(value added tax)或消费税(consumption tax),而这些税种只是针对本国(地区)居民征收的。
支付宝2日宣布,在芬兰赫尔辛基机场、德国慕尼黑机场、意大利米兰马尔彭萨机场开通即时退税(real-time tax refund),消费者只需出示支付宝的二维码(QR code),即可完成退税手续,税款不再"国际漫游",即时以人民币到账指定支付宝账户(be paid directly into specified Alipay account in Chinese yuan)。
9.脱欧白皮书 Brexit white paper
The British government published a Brexit white paper setting out its plans to bring the UK out of the European Union on Thursday.
该白皮书详细列出了包括限制移民(immigration control)、贸易协定等12条原则,与首相特蕾莎·梅提出的"一个独立的、真正全球化的英国以及与欧盟关系充满前景的未来(an independent, truly global UK and an ambitious future relationship with the EU)"理念一致。
英国脱欧事务大臣戴维斯表示,这12条原则指向同一个目标:英国与欧盟之间建立一个全新的、积极的、建设性的、互惠互利的伙伴关系(a new, positive and constructive partnership between Britain and the EU that works in our mutual interest)。