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发布日期 :2018-11-30 点击数:

A Partisan War Awaits Trump. That Just Might Suit Him.


President Trump will wake up on Wednesday morning to a radically new political environment as he confronts the prospect of a two-year partisan war with a Democratic-run House armed with subpoena power and empowered to block his legislative agenda.


Combative by nature, happier in a fight, the president may now have to choose between escalating the pitched conflict that has torn Washington apart in recent years and attempting the sort of reach-across-the-aisle conciliation that has rarely marked his presidency so far.


After waging a divisive and racially charged campaign, Mr. Trump signaled in the days leading up to Tuesday’s vote that he may soften his tone going forward, although past nods toward bipartisanship have never lasted long. With his party no longer holding all the levers of power in Washington, he cannot bypass the opposition if he hopes to transform his priorities into law.


Perhaps just as important, he will no longer have Republican majorities to guard his flank against investigations into all manner of issues that Democrats are eager to examine. The new House may press far more deeply into his personal and political affairs, demanding the tax returns he has kept secret, delving deeper into any ties with Russia and exploring any conflicts of interest.


At its most extreme, a Democratic House could even potentially pose an impeachment threat against the president depending on the results of the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, who has remained quiet during the campaign, although party leaders are wary of such a move.

最极端的情况,民主党掌控的众议院甚至可能对总统构成弹劾威胁,这取决于特别检察官罗伯特·S·穆勒三世(Robert S. Mueller III)的调查结果,他在竞选期间一直保持沉默,尽管党内领袖对这一举动持谨慎态度。

“The administration will be under higher scrutiny and accountability by a Democratic House,” said former Representative Tom Davis, Republican of Virginia. “Look for more investigations and subpoenas. The honeymoon is over. Voters voted to put a check on the president rather than giving him a blank check.”

“民主党的众议院将对政府进行更严格的审查和问责,”弗吉尼亚州共和党前众议员汤姆·戴维斯(Tom Davis)说。“他们想要更多的调查和传票。蜜月结束了。投票人表决的是要制约总统,而不是听之任之。”

Mr. Trump became the fourth president in a row to endure a major midterm setback. Bill Clinton’s Democrats lost both houses of Congress in 1994, George W. Bush’s Republicans lost both houses in 2006, and Barack Obama’s Democrats lost the House in 2010 and the Senate in 2014.


But Mr. Clinton and Mr. Obama both bounced back from their first-term defeats to win re-election two years later, finding it useful politically to have an opposition to play off. In his time in politics, Mr. Trump has been at his most comfortable and confident when he has an enemy to joust with.


“The subpoena process and investigations will be difficult,” said Marc Short, a former White House legislative director for Mr. Trump. “But there’s probably nothing that could help the president’s re-election prospects better than having Nancy Pelosi as speaker.”

“传讯程序和调查会很难对付,”特朗普的前白宫立法事务主管马克·肖特(Marc Short)说。“但对总统的连任前景来说,可能什么事都不如让南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)担任议长管用。”

Former Representative Steve Israel, Democrat of New York, said the election results were a “mixed bag” for the president. “With a House Democratic majority, he has the foil he needs for his re-election campaign in 2020,” Mr. Israel said. “But no president wants the other party with subpoena power — certainly not this president.”

纽约州民主党前众议员史蒂夫·伊斯雷尔(Steve Israel)表示,选举结果对总统来说“好坏参半”。“有了民主党占多数席位的众议院,他在2020年的连任竞选中就有了他需要的反衬。”伊斯雷尔说。“但没有哪个总统愿意对手党派拥有传讯权——这位总统就更不用说了。”

On the campaign trail, Mr. Trump characterized the midterm elections as a referendum on his presidency, telling supporters that they needed to vote for Republicans to continue his policies and guard him against impeachment. He made clear that he would cast a victory as a personal vindication while pre-emptively insisting that if Republicans lost, it would not be a repudiation of him.


In the days leading up to the elections, Mr. Trump emphasized that history was against him because most presidents see their party lose seats in midterm elections, in effect trying to inoculate himself against any backlash that might come with a defeat. He had a point. In the 39 midterm elections since 1862, the president’s party lost House seats 35 times and seats in the Senate 24 times.


Moreover, Mr. Trump was spared the worst outcome as Republicans held onto the Senate, ensuring his ability to continue confirming judges and other appointees. The Senate will most likely block any unfriendly legislation that House Democrats might advance, avoiding the need for the president to use his veto power.


But Republican setbacks in governor’s races in key states could complicate Mr. Trump’s re-election campaign in two years. Democrats captured the governor’s mansions in states like Kansas and Michigan that Mr. Trump won two years ago, and their control over governments in those places could make it harder for the president to repeat his feat in 2020.


Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago, a former Democratic congressman and White House chief of staff, said the Democrats’ success in taking the House and the governor’s races represents a repudiation of a president at a time when unemployment is at 3.7 percent, a nearly half-century low.

前民主党国会议员和白宫幕僚长,芝加哥市长拉姆·伊曼纽尔(Rahm Emanuel)表示,目前的失业率为3.7%,是半世纪以来的最低值,在这样一个时候,民主党成功夺回众议院,并在州长竞选中获胜,代表了对总统的否定。

“The Democrats have no business picking up the House and the governorships, no business,” Mr. Emanuel said. “The fact is this was a blue wave with a red undertow.” The Democrats, he added, were building a “metropolitan majority,” a coalition of urban and suburban voters that he said would make it harder for the president to win a second term.“民主党人没有理由赢得众议院和州长职位,没有理由,” 伊曼纽尔说。“事实上,这是一个带有红色退浪的蓝色浪潮。”他还说,民主党人正在建立一个“大都市多数”,一个由城市和郊区选民组成的联盟,他说这将使特朗普更难赢得第二个任期。

