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发布日期 :2016-12-28 点击数:


36 Military Strategies

第十九计 釜底抽薪


Strategy Nineteen Remove Firewood from Under the Caldron

Avoid a contest of strength with the enemy but seek to weaken its position in accordance with the image of Dui underneath Qian.

第二十计 混水摸鱼


Strategy Twenty Muddle the Water to Seize Fish

Take advantage of the enemy’s internecine fight and make use of its weakness and lack of judgement. Sui: At nightfall, return home to rest.

第二十一计 金蝉脱壳


Strategy Twenty-One The Cicada Sloughs Its Skin

Maintain the original shape and play out the original pose, so that the ally does not doubt and the enemy does not move. Submission and stillness lead to decay.

第二十二计 关门捉贼


Strategy Twenty-Two Bold the Door to Seize the Thief

Force the small enemy into a quagmire. Bo: It is not favorable to set forth. [It is disadvantageous to pursue a weak, tottering enemy for long distance. ]

第二十三计 远交近攻


Strategy Twenty-Three Befriend Distant States While Attacking Nearby States

When circumscribed in situation and restricted in disposition, seek profit from nearby and keep peril at a distance. Fire above the lake.

第二十四计 假道伐虢


Strategy Twenty-Four Attack Guo by a Borrowed Path

A small state is sandwiched between two great powers. If one of them attempts to bring it to submission, the other will be able to take control under the pretext of aiding it. Kun: When one utters words, one is not believed.

第二十五计 偷梁换柱


Strategy Twenty-Five Steal the Beams and Change the Pillars

Change the enemy’s formation frequently, dislocate its main force and deal the blow when it tends toward defeat. Stop the wheel.

第二十六计 指桑骂槐


Strategy Twenty-Six Point at the Mulberry and Abuse the Locust

The strong may use punishment to lead the weak into submission. Proper severity obtains response; risky action meets no obstruction.

第二十七计 假痴不癫


Strategy Twenty-Seven Feign Folly Instead of Madness

Feign ignorance and make no more rather than feign knowledge and make rash moves. Stay motionless and hide one’s intention. Clouds and thunder symbolize Tun.

第二十八计 上屋抽梯


Strategy Twenty-Eight Climb up the Roof and Remove the Ladder

Provide the army with an apparent chance, entice it to advance, cut it off from coordination or reinforcement, and place it in an impasse. One gets poisoned at an improper position.

第二十九计 树上开花


Strategy Twenty-Nine Flowers Bloom in the Tree

Exploit external forces to create favorable conditions, so that a small army acquires great energy. The wild goose gradually approaches the cloudy paths. Its feathers can be used in ritual decoration.

第三十计 反客为主


Strategy Thirty Reverse the Positions of Host and Guest

Take the opportunity to put in your foot and seize the heart of the enemy. Proceed step by step.

第三十一计 美人计


Strategy Thirty-One Beauty Trap

If the enemy forces are strong, try to subdue their general; if the general is wise, try to crush his willpower. When the general becomes infirm and the soldiers listless, their combat power will dwindle. It is of benefit to resist an invasion; security can be attained by internal unity.

第三十二计 空城计


Strategy Thirty-Two Empty-City Scheme

Bear a weak appearance when in a weak position to create doubts in the already doubtful enemy. Used by the weak against the strong, it works wonders of the most wondrous kind.

第三十三计 反间计


Strategy Thirty-Three Turn the Enemy’s Agents Against Him

Lead the enemy into his own trap. Union from within; one will not lose oneself.

第三十四计 苦肉计


Strategy Thirty-Four Self-torture Scheme

Man does not inflict injury on himself, and a person’s injury proves him a victim. Espionage can be conducted when the enemy takes a false injury to be genuine. The callow youth submits. Good fortune.

第三十五计 连环计


Strategy Thirty-Five Interlaced Stratagems

Do not engage an enemy that has many generals and numerous soldiers. Weaken its position by making its troops interlaced. The general secures his rule in the army: Good fortune, with the blessing of Heaven.

第三十六计 走为上


Strategy Thirty-Six Running Away as the Best Choice

Evade the enemy to preserve the troops. The army retreats: No blame. It does not violate the normal practice of war.

