The Months
January brings the ice and snow,
Makes our feet and fingers glow.
February brings St. Valentine,--
Letters to your house and mine.
March brings breezes very shrill,
And pussy willows by the rill.
April brings the primrose sweet,
Tulip and hyacinth—what a treat!
May hangs leaves upon the trees,
Swaying and swaying in the breeze.
June brings daisies and pink roses,
Fills our arms with pretty posies.
Hot July brings cooling showers,
And many, many fragrant flowers.
August brings the poppies red,
Sunflowers towering overhead.
September brings the goldenrod,
On breezy days, just see it nod.
October paints the maple leaves,
They gayly dance upon the trees.
November sends the chilling blast,
And then the leaves go whirling fast.
December brings the bright red holly,
When boys and girls are glad and jolly.