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刘荣多 教授 经济与管理教研室主任

发布时间:2024-06-03 发布者:管理学院 浏览量:






1. Liu R., Banovic M., & Grunert, K.G. (2022). Beliefs about food quality attributes, food-related goals and satisfaction with food-related life among the elderly in China: A means-end approach. Food Quality and Preference, 95,104367.

2. Liu, R., & Grunert, K. G. (2020). Satisfaction with food-related life and beliefs about food health, safety, freshness and taste among the elderly in China: A segmentation analysis. Food Quality and Preference, 79, 103775.

3.Liu, R., & Grunert, K. G. (2024). Changes in food consumption behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: a dual process approach on female college students in China. British Food Journal, 126(2), 758-773.

4. Liu, R., Hoefkens, C., & Verbeke, W. (2015). Chinese consumers’ understanding and use of a food nutrition label and their determinants. Food Quality and Preference, 41, 103-111.

5. Liu, R., Pieniak, Z., & Verbeke, W. (2014). Food-related hazards in China: Consumers' perceptions of risk and trust in information sources. Food Control, 46, 291-298.

6. Liu, R., Pieniak, Z., & Verbeke, W. (2013). Consumers' attitudes and behaviour towards safe food in China: A review. Food Control, 33(1), 93-104.


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