
Elite Groups, Individuals Awarded at CWU

To mark the 96th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement, an awards ceremony for elite groups and individuals was held in China Women’s University (CWU).

Directors from the university’s major administrative departments and several faculties presented awards to elite groups and individuals.

At the event, all the participants watched a documentary film on the work done by the Youth League of CWU over the past year of 2014. Groups and individuals who won national, municipal and school-level honors in 2014 were commended for their achievements and addressed the audience at the ceremony.

Professor Li Mingshun, the Chairperson of the CWU council, extended his warm greetings and well wishes to all faculties of CWU as well as his congratulations to the winners. He spoke highly of the accomplishments that CWU made during 2014 and expressed his expectation for Youth League members to hold fast to their dreams, make contributions to the country, work diligently, emancipate their minds and engage in innovation.

The ceremony is both an affirmation of the excellent work done by the Youth League of university over 2014 and a commemoration of the May Fourth Movement's patriotic, progressive, democratic, and scientific spirit, all of which are to have even greater brilliance in the future. The ceremony called for Youth League members to grasp new opportunities, to carry forward fine traditions, and to be dedicated to helping build CWU into a first-class women’s university.

The event was hosted by Zhang Ruizhi, director of Students Affairs Office.