
CWU Aerobics Team Debuts at National Aerobics Tournament in Guangdong

The 2015 National Aerobics League Tournament concluded in Foshan, a city on south China’s Guangdong Province on April 14, 2015. Demonstrating particularly high performance in Body Step, our aerobics team successfully qualified to get promotion to the national tournament.

This year marked the first time that the aerobics team in China Women’s University (CWU), led byVice dean of Art and Desgin School, participated in such a high-level contest. Our team, from coach to team members, had been preparing half a year for the contest. Keeping the spirit of our university — “Self-respect, Self-confidence, Self-independence and Self-improvement” — in mind, everyone demanded the most from themselves, working hard toward an outstanding performance that would propel them to the next round.

The National Aerobics Tournament is the highest-level contest held by the State General Administration of Sports. Only the teams capable of scoring a sufficient number of points in National League Tournament can qualify to attend and compete in the National Tournament.