
CWU Becomes Member Institution of Sino-American CHEPD 121 Program

China Women’s University (CWU) was recently registered as a member institution of the Program of Sino-American Cooperation on Higher Education and Professional Development (CHEPD), according to documents issued by China Centre for International Education Exchange (CCIEE).

The “Sino-American CHEPD 121 Program” is a bilateral exchange and cooperation campaign started by China Education Association for International Exchanges (CEAIE), CCIEE, and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU) in March 2001, and has now become a key program for high-level personnel exchange between the two countries.

The center and the American association have jointly chosen eligible universities in China and the United States as participants of the program, with a total a 132 universities – 107 in China and 25 in the U.S.—approved by September, 2014.

The "Sino-American CHEPD 121 Program" aims at promoting academic exchange and cooperation between the two countries and turning out talents with global vision, through cooperation on undergraduate and graduate education among Chinese and U.S. universities. In the coming years, the program organizers will expand the exchange activities, establish an international union of excellent courses and enroll foreign students at the Chinese member universities, so as to achieve bilateral cooperation in a real sense.

The “Sino-American CHEPD 121 Program” consists of an Undergraduate Transfer Program, Graduate Transfer Program, Youth Exchange Students Program (YES), Overseas Study in China Program, Visiting Scholars Program and Executive Training Program.

In the Undergraduate Transfer Program, Chinese students will complete their freshmen year in one of the Chinese partner universities. In the second and third years of the program, Chinese students will travel to the U.S. to complete their sophomore and junior years at one of the U.S. partner universities (only AASCU member institutions). In the fourth year of the program, students will return to China to finish their senior year at the Chinese partner university. Students completing all requirements of the program will be granted bachelor's degrees from both the U.S. university and the Chinese university.

In the YES Program, Chinese students will complete their freshmen year in one of the American partner universities, and their credits in the year will be transferred to the Chinese university where they will go to take a follow-up three-year study. Students completing all requirements of the program will be granted bachelor's degrees from the Chinese university.

Previously, there were only six CCIEE member institutions: Beijing Normal University (BNU), Communication University of China (CUC), China Agricultural University (CAU), Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU),  Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) and Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication (BIGC).

Having now become a member of the “Sino-American CHEPD 121 Program”, CWU will be better placed to develop into an international institution and to play a role in the program aiming at high-level, extensive and practical exchange and cooperation between China and U.S. and nurturing versatile talents with global vision.