
CWU Holds Training Workshop on Language Art Expression and Teaching

China Women’s University (CWU) held at the Beijing-based Tibet Hotel from May 29 to 31 a national training workshop on language art expression and teaching methods, in a bid to improve the teaching ability of university faculty members who teach in the field of broadcasting.

The workshop was co-organized by the Teachers’ Education and Teaching Aptitude Development Center of the CWU and the Xue Fei Communication Arts Studio, founded by renowned broadcaster Xu Fei.

In the opening remarks, Ren Cuiru, director of Personnel Office of CWU, reviewed the development of CWU and of its offered majors in broadcasting and hosting. She expressed her warm welcome to all teachers present at the workshop as well as her hope for the workshop to be a successful and productive one.

Xue also delivered a speech, marking the official opening of the workshop.

During the event, Du Shouren, director of the Program Department of CCTV 12 — the society- and law-focused channel of China Central Television — as well as renowned voice artist Zhao Ling, poet Ou Zhen, CCTV News Broadcasting host Lang Yongchun, Vice-Director and Professor of the Peking University School of Journalism and Communication Yu Hong gave speeches respectively on the basics of vocalization, broadcasting, dubbing, recitation, literature creation, live news broadcasting, media integration and program hosting.

The speeches presented the audience with a lavish feast in the intricacies of communication, immersing them in the beauty of language.

Zhang Jie, director of the Broadcasting and Hosting Art Teaching and Research Office of CWU, spoke as a special guest. She shared with the audience the reinvention and reinvigoration of CWU in teaching and talent cultivation in the field of the broadcasting and the art of hosting.

Attendees included teachers from universities and language-training institutes across the country as well as people from the media and directors of public service organizations.

They applauded the workshop for its sound preparation, novel style and rich content, saying that the workshop was practical and served as positive point of reference for their future teaching and research work. They hope for more such training sessions to be held in the future to build a communication platform for university teachers of broadcasting and hosting majors and to promote the sharing of resources among them.