IMSW Students Attended the Fifth International Education Forum on Elderly Education


On October 19th 2018, the Fifth International Education Forum on Elderly Education was successfully held at Chaoyang Community College, Beijing. The forum was co-sponsored by China Education Association for International Education, Community Education Research and Training Center of Ministry of Education, the Open University of China, Chaoyang Community College, China Women’s University and Beijing Oriental Senior Women’s University. Mr. Ye Shuiping, director of International Cooperation Department of CWU was the co-host. The students of International Program of Master of Social Work of CWU were invited to attend the forum.

The Theme of this year is “the Elderly Education Modernization – Practice and Exploration. Gu Xiulian, the Vice Chairperson of the National People's Congress (NPC) of the PRC and Honorary Chairman of China Association of the Universities for the Aged (CAUA), Huang Kan, Deputy Director of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Zhan Shaowen, Chairman of China Adult Education Association and Zhu Sheng Deputy District Head of Chaoyang District attended the opening ceremony and delivered opening speeches.

The forum also invited decision makers specialists and scholars in elderly education, representatives in various kinds of elderly education organizations worldwide and people pay close attention to Chinese education revolution and development of elderly education cause.

International students were deeply moved by the concern of the Chinese government and all sectors of society on the issue of the elderly. Moreover, experts and scholars shared the practice model of geriatric education in various countries, which also inspired them to further think about how to protect the rights and interests of the elderly and make the elderly enjoy the fruits of social development more equally.