Opening Ceremony of 2018 Master of Social Work in“Women's Leadership and Social Development”Held in CWU


In the afternoon of September 27th, 2018, the opening ceremony of Mofcom Foreign Aid Degree Program of International Program of Master of Social Work in ‘Women’s Leadership and Social Development’, which was hosted by Ministry of Commerce and undertaken by China Women’s University (CWU), was held in CWU. The 25 students of the program from 15 developing countries would study in CWU for 2 years’ period. Lu Yamin, vice director of Department of International Liaison of All-China Women’s Federation, and Liu Meng, vice president of CWU attended the ceremony and gave opening addresses. Moreover, Li Ying, dean of School of International Education was the hostess.

Lu Yamin gave a warm congratulation on the opening of the master program on behalf of All-China Women’s Federation in her address. She emphasized while committed to its own development, China attaches great importance to South-South cooperation and hopes to share development opportunities with developing countries and closely link the Chinese Dream with the dream of a better life for the people of developing countries. She also introduced President Xi Jinping's commitment at the Global Women's Summit in 2015 to develop projects to support women's capacity-building in developing countries. Then she hoped that the students can borrow experience and lessons from the development process, and make full use of the opportunity of learning in China to better understand China’s national conditions and experience the life of Chinese people.


On behalf of all the students and faculties, Liu Meng, vice president of CWU, extended her warm welcome to 25 students from 15 countries, and sincere thanks to Department of Foreign Assistance of Ministry of Commerce of PRC, Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO) and International Liaison Department. From the perspective of co-organizer, she stressed that CWU attaches great importance to the program and have made full preparation for the program. She hoped that students can learn hard with passion and become the bridge for the sound relations between China and developing countries and become the treasure and think tank of CWU.