The 2nd China-France Gender Equality symposium was Held in Beijing


The 2nd China-France Gender Equality Symposium and 3rd China-France Anti-Family Violence Seminar sponsored by ACWF and Embassy of France in China and undertaken by China Women’s University, was held in Beijing, on Nov.24, 2017. Hundreds of people including the specialists and actors came from the field of anti-domestic violence in China and French participated in the symposium. They shared the anti-domestic violence’s results and challenge resulted from practices of Chinese and French judicial system, as well as the existing problems and barriers, so as to promote the anti-domestic violence career.

In the symposium, those who gave keynote speeches on how to apply judicial measures to prevent and deal with anti-domestic violence include: Ms. Maitre Dominique Attias, vice-chairman of French expert Paris Lawyers Guild; Ms. Frangoise Guyot, Deputy prosecutor of Paris Procuratorate; Ms. Maryvonne Chapalain, the delegate of Paris prosecutors; Prof. Li Mingshun, the secretary of CPC committee in CWU and the vice-chairman of China Marriage and Family Law Research Institute; Ms. Liu Yang, the deputy chief judge of a civil division of an Intermediate People’s Court of Beijing; and Ms. Wan Wei, a contributing lawyer of Hunan domestic violence crisis intervention center.

The French experts introduced the French judicial system’s practices and results of making use of judicial implementations to fight against domestic violence from the perspectives of implementing habeas corpus, professional training for relavant people and calling for multilateral cooperations and so on. Ms. Attias emphasized the importance of the implementation of habeas corpus, and introduced their traing program for judicial staff during the process so as to assure the inplementation results. Ms. Guyot talked about the survey on women that suffered from domestic violence , which aroused the awareness of the whole society; she also introduced detailed and effective french effortson anti domestic violence from the aspects of providing trainings for professionals, making relavant laws, promoting effective law enforcement and cross boundary cooperations. Ms. Ned Guillet said that France aroused social vigilance through the investigate about the situation of domestic violence women, and dwelled on specific and effective efforts France had done for anti-domestic violence from some parts of training for related person, making some laws, carrying the laws effectively and cross-border cooperation. Ms. Chapalain mentioned anti domestic violence training for french policemen so that they could treat those domestic violence victims who seeking help in a correct manner, and intentionally provide protection for them; she also emphsized the function of data, which could arouse attention of the society to anti domenstice violence.

The Chinese experts introduced China’s efforts and practices through some articles and their implementation situations of anti-domestic violence law. Prof. Li Mingshun stressed the importance of exchanges in international anti-domestic violence actions; he also introduced the logic of the construction of Chinese anti-domestic violence law, and elaborated the system logic, regulation logic, working logic and the logic of responsibility in the law. Ms. Liu Yang discussed the problem of protecting women and children from the perspective of civil jurisdiction, especially the theoretical and practical innovations on personal safety protection order in anti-domestic violence law. Ms. Wan Wei differenciated the two concepts of personal safety protection order and waring order through examples of former cases she handled; she also shared the reflection that the judicial interventions was made for effectively preventing and stopping violence, and that it is a good practice to lift the status of the victims so that they could participate in equal conversations and possessing the right of choice.

During the symposium, the experts from China and France called for the male and the unity of people from all walks of life to participate in anti domestic violence actions. They hoped that everyone could use the tool of law to achieve self-protection, and that everyone could continue do their best to realise gender equality and eliminate domestic violence. After people’s sharing of the theories and experiences of how to prevent and deal with domestic violence using judicial measures, the symposium ended in a happy and friendly atmosphere.

Ms. Lu Yaming, deputy minister of Department of Liaison of ACWF; Gui Nan, the governmental cooperation officer of the French embassy in China; and Prof. Li Mingshun, the secretary of CPC committee in CWU attended the symposium and gave keynote speeches.