School of International Education of CWU Held International Cultural Communication New Year Party


On the night of December 26th, as the New Year is approaching, the International Cultural Communication New Year Party was held by the School of International Education of CWU. Liu Meng, the vice president of CWU and Li Ying, the president of the School of International Education delivered speeches at the party. The party was co-hosted by a language buddy and an international student. Those who attended the party are students of Mofcom Foreign Aid Degree Program, teachers of School of International Education, the members of Students’ International

Communication Association and language buddies.

In her opening speech, Liu Meng reviewed the difficulties we met since the launch of the program, and appreciated the efforts and achievements made by everybody. She thanked the students and teachers, and hoped that in the coming 2017, more efforts can be made to improve the program.

The party featured different cultures and went to its climax as the performances were filled with Chinese traditions and cultural characteristics and exotic features. The performances included the drum-and-pass game, shuttlecock kicking games, and reading Chinese poems. The international students performed their countries’ songs and dances, and the language buddies sang Jasmine flower accompanied by violin, which was acclaimed by the international students and inspired the international students to be interested in traditional Chinese music. The performers got prizes with Chinese characteristics, which made the party more exciting.

The international students wrote a poem and read the poem vividly to demonstrate their academic achievements and their thoughts on the major. It demonstrated students’ appreciation for the Chinese government and the All-China Women’s Federation and their commitment to justice and empowerment:


Changing lives internationally

Hallmark of creativity and ingenuity

Intensively driving gender equity

New Wisdom continually displayed with humility

Answering the call for humanity

Women's Federation provided a solid Foundation

Onward march to complete the mission

Moving pass all obstacles

Enduring until you reach the pinnacle

Never ceasing to empower

Success soon will have its hour

Unsung Hero, you I honor

Never will I forget this grand opportunity and favor

In the influence of the Divine you change situations

Vehicle of hope and transformation

Eager to help your international brothers and sisters

Securing a more sustainable and brighter future

In these few words I say

To China Women’s University this day

You I salute, thank you for making a way.

At the party, the international students and their language buddies exchanged wishes to each other for the New Year. The international students thanked the Chinese government for the opportunity to study in China and the All-China Women’s Federation, CWU and teachers from the School of International Education for their support in life and study. They also thanked the school to make them feel at home and their language buddies for their assistance. The language buddies also expressed their happiness for making new friends in the volunteer process.

The party was concluded in happy atmosphere. On behalf of the international students, the host thanked the school again for giving them a warm and happy night to make them feel the warmth of home in cold winter.