2016 Mofcom Program Students Attended China International Education Annual Conference


With the strong support of China Women’s University(CWU) and the International Cooperation and Exchange Office of CWU, all the students of 2016 Mofcom Foreign Aid Degree Program were invited to attend the 2016 China International Education Annual Conference•The 4th International Elderly Education Forum(The Forum), which was held in Beijing Chaoyang Community College on Oct 21st . The Forum was co-hosted by China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), Community Education Research and Training Center Under the Ministry of Education(CERTC), College of Higher Occupation Education of China Women’s University, the Open University of China(OUC), Chaoyang Community College, Elderly Education Research Center of China Adult Education Association and Beijing Oriental Senior Women’s University.

Since year 2000, CEAIE has successfully hosted 16 China International Education Annual Conferences. The 17th annual conference this year attracted over 2000 attendants from different countries. Under the frame of the annual conference, the Forum launched a sub forum, and managed to host 3 forums since its joining into the annual conference in 2013. The theme of the Forum was “Cooperation among Universities, Enterprises and Communities, Construction of Learning Family and Community---Innovative Development of Elderly Education”. A large number of people attended the conference such as decision-makers on elderly education, experts and scholars, representatives from relative training institutes in China and from other countries, people from all walks of life who give attention to China’s educational reform and elderly education.

During the conference, students of 2016 Mofcom Foreign Aid Degree Program attended its opening ceremony and participated in the seminars. Gu Xiulian, the Vice-Chairperson of the National People's Congress (NPC) of the PRC and honorary chairman of China Association of the Universities for the Aged (CAUA), Liu Ying, the director of the Division of Social Education on Urban and Rural areas of Department of Vocational and Adult Education, Ministry of Education, and Huang Kan, Deputy Director of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, attended the opening ceremony and delivered opening speeches. Keynote speeches were delivered by Liu Cheng, the vice-president of OUC, and Yuan Lixin, executive vice president of CAUA and vice president of International Association of Universities of Third Age (IAUTA). Related speeches and introductions were also given by experts and scholars of elderly education and representatives from various institutes.

During the Forum, Gu Xiulian had conversation and exchanges with the students, and a group photos were taken to mark the occasion.

Due to the Forum, the students broadened their international horizon and had a deeper understanding on China’s efforts to build an elderly education platform, to integrate into the innovative community service. They also knew more about the situation of the overseas elderly education and new explorations on elderly education. The students said that they had learned a lot from the Forum and had a deeper understanding of their own major as well.

School of international education will create more opportunities for the students to participate in domestic and international academic conferences, and exchange ideas with experts and scholars. This would also enable them to better understand and master their majors, broaden horizons and expand knowledge base under the support of the university.